
User Image
NICKNAMES Babs, Bonnie, Barbie, etc!
AGE 13
BIRTHDAY March 12, 2046
SIGN Pisces
VOICE Sing-song and peppy

Brec Bassinger

HEIGHT 5 ft 2 in.
BUILD Average
Her curly, curly blonde hair.

WAND 11 1/2 inches, Vine Wood with Peacock Feather, Springy with a Decorated Shaft
FAMILIAR Honey the Corgi

MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Quidditch Experience


ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
I believe I’m the only one of my kind
Just as you are the only one of your kind
We can certainly be friends!

YEAR Third

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
Herbology ~
History of Magic ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~
Elective ~

Quidditch - Reserve Seeker
Fite Club

Adv. Flying

History of Magic

DREAM JOB Professional Seeker! The team doesn't matter, but her favorites are the Wimbourne Wasps, the Kenmare Kestrels, and the Caerphilly Catapaults. If she were to ever play for any of them, she would just DIE.


ENERGETIC Babs is full of energy! She loves nothing more than to be up and moving, and forcing her to sit still for hours on a beautiful day is nothing short of torture.

OPTIMISTIC Barbara likes to keep her glass half full, to the point it's a fault. She hates to dwell in negative emotions and avoids confrontation. If there's an argument, she'll change the topic to something lighter. If you're sad, she'll do everything she can to cheer you up, but giving time to feel and process those heavier emotions? No need. It could always be worse. Still, she's a great person to seek out when you're ready to lift your spirits.

FRIENDLY Every new person Barbara meets is a new potential friend! She just loves to get to know people and have others she can share her life with. She'll always look after her friends with the most well-meaning of intentions, and is always generous with her time.

IMAGINATIVE Elle always encouraged artistic expression, so some of the ideas Barbie comes up with have been known to be a little off-the-wall. For example, her latest masterpiece? An abstract piece about a king hamster riding a pot belly pig into battle with a mighty scepter. She continues to think outside the box even beyond arts and crafts, always keeping an open mind and finding creative solutions to day-to-day problems.

TRUSTWORTHY A loyal friend to the end is what you'll find in Babs. Though she hates confrontation, if she has a friend in need, she will try her best to find a peaceful solution and lighten the mood after. Promises are sacred, and if she's asked, she will never (intentionally) spill a secret.

COMPETITIVE Nothing wrong with a little competition! It's good to keep the senses sharp, and how better to do that than with a rival pushing you forward? She recognizes some people take their need to win a little too far though, and hates when those people ruin the fun for others. Even though Barbara is in it to win it herself, she is a good sport that gracefully accepts defeat, using the lessons learned to push her to improve for the next opportunity.

Metal music of all kinds! Power Metal's her favorite, but Death Metal's nice too. All music is great, really! She has eclectic tastes, but Metal's just the best.
Arts and crafts. She likes to test out making all kinds of things with her step-mom to help with her lesson plans. Painting is her favorite!
A Positive Mental Attitude (TM)! (Insert sparkles and sunshine here)
Carnivals! Fairs! Barbara likes fun and games and questionably safe carnival rides.
Long corridors. Perfect for practicing cartwheels.

Lazing about. "Come onnn, there's so much to do and see out there!" Though, she does enjoy a good tv binge on a dreary day.
Gloomy weather. "It's just so blegh, y'know?"
The fact that she snorts when she laughs too hard. It's sooo embarrassing. Diego calls her a little piggy.
Arthropods. She doesn't mind most bugs terribly, but centipedes? Millipedes? That's just too many legs, there has to be a limit!
Winter. The days are shorter, and she just doesn't get enough sunlight. And it's SO cold! It's depressing.

A great person to go to if you're looking to have some fun!

She's no good at confrontation.
Isn't the best person to be around when you just want to wallow. She'll just keep trying to cheer you up. She doesn't allow herself time to dwell with negative emotions either.

To be a professional seeker.
To make lots of friends and have lots of fun!

Arthropods! Ew, ew, ew!


EARLY CHILDHOOD Barbara's parents divorced when she was just a little girl, no more than 4. She was never bothered by it--sometimes, people just weren't good for each other. That was the case with her mum and dad--Iona and Ash--and Barbara likes to think splitting up was the best thing that could have happened for their family. Sure, Mum could have been doing better. She was often working double shifts at the diner, so she only had time for partial custody of Barbara. Eventually due to Iona's flighty nature, Ash took full custody, but she still visited every few weekends and on holidays. Meanwhile, Dad was thriving in his music career. He and Uncle Levi were in an all-wizard metal band with a couple blokes from their Hogwarts days. They called themselves Divine Scorn, and played plenty of local venues and events in Leeds--The rest of the UK too, but Barbara could only watch the home shows. It was at one of these shows that Ash met Eleanor, and by the next year they were married. Barbara even got to be the flower girl!

Babs loved her new step-mom. She was an art teacher for one of Leed's primary schools, so Barbara often helped Elle out by testing her new lesson plan ideas. She got all the attention she wanted... But it would have been nice if more of it came from her actual mum. But who had time to worry about that? She had plenty good going for her, so there was no reason to be sad!

The Luney men just didn't seem to be capable of keeping a first wife, because by the time Barbara was eight, Uncle Levi's wife left him. Ash invited him and cousin Diego to come live with them, and their little family was complete. It was so fun having a cousin around! Logan lived all the way in Ireland, so they only got to play during the summers and Christmas when Iona took her. Diego would be there all the time! Okay, so Diego was bigger and he didn't usually want to spend time with his "annoying cousin". It was fine. He'd still play games with her when he was grounded (which was a lot). It was even Diego's idea for Barbara's Christmas present that year: A sweet little corgi puppy. It was love at first sight. Honey, as she was affectionately named, was Barbara's very best friend in the whole wide world. She even got along with Uncle Levi's much larger huskies. What a good girl!

There were plenty of things Barbara loved in the world, but her favorite thing was Quidditch. Her family was a major Quidditch house, which meant they went to every pro game they possibly could, and played their own mock games when they could manage it. Barbara's favorite players growing up were Cooper Blackmoor of the Caerphilly Catapaults and Fianna Grey of the Kenmare Kestrels. Of course, the Wimbourne Wasps were pretty great too. There was often heavy debate in her house on which team was the team. Even cousin Logan had some pretty strong opinions.

Getting her Hogwarts acceptance letter was a day of celebration in Barbara's house. She was so excited to go to school, learn some magic, and make new friends! But most importantly, she could finally try out for a Quidditch team. It would be her first real stepping stone towards her dream of going pro.

FIRST YEAR Barbara was admittedly hoping for Hufflepuff because of the yellow aesthetics, but Gryffindor was just as good! Even better, actually, because now she got to be in the same house as her two favorite cousins!

She made quick work of joining the Quidditch team, ending up on the reserves with Logan. Yeah, they were on the bench, but so what? They were going to be pros one of these days. Babs ended up signing in with Fite Club as well, in hopes that the training would help keep her physically fit for Quidditch. In her classes, Barbara made friends with anyone she came in contact with. Isn't it so much better when we all get along?

SECOND YEAR Not much changed, but that's fine! Barbara loved her time at school regardless. She kicked butt in Fite Club and gave it her all in Quidditch. Logan even gave her a frisbee and made up a game to up her speed for Quidditch. It didn't make a whole lot of sense, because there were no brooms and frisbees were totally different, and she was preeeeetty sure it was just a trick to get her out of his hair because he was doing some weird squirrel thing with his roommate, but it was fun anyway! She almost hit some boy and his parrot, though. He didn't talk much--he didn't talk at all, actually--but he seemed nice enough? He must have been, because she saw him hanging with the boys in her grade all the time! Too bad she didn't catch his name.

There was a multi-house Quidditch match, and wow was it something. Erikk didn't get to play with her, and she ended up on the same team as Logan, who ended up drawing Seeker and leaving her for Chaser for the first part of the match. Honestly, that was totally fine, because Logan got beat. up. Like, wow. By the time Echo told Babs to shift roles and replace him, Nora already got the snitch!

Fun Facts: It turned out the quiet boy was her bestie, Fina's, big brother, Aurais. Who would have thought! It was a shame he couldn't talk back. She'd have to make an effort to learn some sign herself so she could keep up with him. Maybe Language Club would be in her third year future?

THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)



Parents Asher "Ash" Luney, Guitarist/Lead Vocals for Divine Scorn (Halfblood); Iona Strife, waitress (muggle)
Step-Mother Eleanor "Elle" Luney (nee Shepherd), Primary School Art Teacher (Muggleborn)
Maternal Uncle Finnegan Strife, Poltergeist Unit (Muggleborn)
Paternal Uncle Levi Luney, Drummer for Divine Scorn (Halfblood)
Cousins Diego Correa-Luney, 7th year Slytherin (NPC Halfblood); Logan Strife, 5th year Gryffindor (Halfblood)
Uncle Levi's Huskies Brutus and T-Bone
Pet Honey the Corgi

Besties! Serafina Aurelius, Erikk Knapp, Will Thomas
Aurais Aurelius, Aedan MacInnes, Tamhas Ghobhainn, Giovanni Nardovino, anyone in her classes, house, or clubs!



xxxFUN FACTSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

HOBBIES Arts and crafts, teaching Honey new tricks, Quidditch enthusiast
PRIZED POSSESSION An autographed quaffle from a Caerphilly Catapaults match

FAVORITE CANDY Lemon Candy. And Sugar Quills! She and Logan like to split them up. He likes grape and blue-raspberry, she likes cherry and watermelon.
FAVORITE COLOR Yellow, but bright blues and pinks are nice too.



UPDATED 5/21/23

■ Updated for 2059-60 school year.
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 10/03/2022
ACCEPTED BY ♥ Steffy ♥ 12/12/22
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