I wish I had a husband and kids in a happy family with a successful career of my choice. It's tough on my heart being single and not having kids sometimes. I know it's not that easy having them. Kids are expensive and making a relationship work is challenging and takes effort and compromise. Not all of them work out. I feel like I missed out on all that.

Kids are adorable and I know it takes a lot to raise them. I have considerable respect for most parents, but sometimes I get baby blues... then, other times I see them acting up in a store, misbehaving and feel an odd sense of schadenfreude knowing I don't have a five-year-old screaming at me and pulling on my hand to spend the last of my hard-earned money after bills on candy and toys. sweatdrop

Some of the time, I enjoy being single. I like the financial comfort of being able to buy what I want from time-to-time, but, ultimately, it is lonely.