xxxxS O U L E Y M A N ExxxC H I C H IxxxA F O L A Y A N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Su

              AGE 15

              BIRTHDAY 10 September 2046

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 9 ¾inch Alder wood, Jobberknoll feather, supple with a knobby texture

              GENDER Nonbinary

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Uhhh....

              FACECLAIM Marsai Martin - childhood [x]
              Kyemah Mcentyre - childhood [x]

              LANGUAGES English, French, some Yoruba

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Hufflepuff

            YEAR Fifth

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            HONORS Prefect

            SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Art and astronomy clubs

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Professional shadow

            DREAM JOB Person who names stars

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ DUTIFUL Su has always been told her best quality is her ability to follow directions and she has always abided by it. Whether rules or just personal obligation, she’d make sure it all got done. And if this were one of the only way’s she could get a certain person’s appreciation, that was just a bonus.
            ◊ NIHILISTIC After years of trying and failing, she’s rather given up on anything in her life changing for the better. She won’t actively look for the worst but they won’t exactly be surprised if they find it.
            ◊ THOROUGH To go in hand with her dutiful nature, when given a task she’ll ensure to see it through. From finishing a book in one night to building a backyard fort for their siblings.
            ◊ PASSIVE Su doesn’t really stand up for themselves and just lets things wash over them. She doesn’t go looking for trouble or arguments and when she finds herself in one would rather let the other person vent their frustrations than defend herself. Even more so if she’s actually in the right.
            ◊ ALTRUISTIC Su is very good at neglecting themselves in favor of doing something for someone else. It’s partially because she wouldn’t be able to focus until a task was complete and partially because she has no self-importance. Being told everyday they should be grateful for the life they life really settled into her core being to the point where she sees no point of her being except to help others.
            ◊ GENUINE Despite her rather bleak and apathetic feeling towards herself, Su is very genuine in her feelings. If asked directly, they will talk about how they’re feeling at the time but won’t actively do anything about it.

                Spending time outside
                Going to her grandparents
                Doing things for her siblings

                When her dad blames her for something she didn’t do


                Follows direction

                No self preservation
                Apathy towards own self

                Being left alone with her father

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Souleymane is the first born child of Wekesa Afolayan who is extremely suspicious of this fact. Though he and his wife were married at the time, his wife Chikere was a serial cheater and he found the time of conception concerning. Ignoring her outraged proclamations that Su really was his, he’s agreed to raise and care for her though at bare minimum. Su has always known this and it became even more apparent after the births of her two younger siblings who never had their paternity challenged and his attitudes towards them were polar opposite to her. In her earlier years, she actively tried to get his positive attention and favor but after overhearing a shouting match between her parents with him yelling that his wife should learn to keep her mistake away from him or it would suffer the consequence. It didn’t take Su long to figure out it was them he was talking about. So after that day, she would only bask in her father’s presence whenever he had tasks only they could fulfill or whenever he just generally needed a verbal punching bag. Her mother doesn’t offer much help in getting her husband to really accept Su but is always up for arguing about her supposed (definite) infidelity. To occasionally escape their unpleasant home, Su would be allowed to visit their remaining grandparents who eagerly doted on their first grandchild. She learned early on that attempting to complain to them about her homelife would make things better for a few days at a time before it would just get worse than before. Currently, Su is just awaiting her school owl to give her parents an extended break from her presence.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR Greatly enjoyed her first year, even though it was hard being away from their sisters for this long period. She attempted to make up for it with small hidden games and puzzles around their rooms or computer and of course constant mail home but still, it sucked. They were able to make friends though with those in her own house and others due to classes and even clubs. They joined clubs! Art club and astronomy were her main ones but she was contemplating the DnD one next year.
                ◊ SECOND YEAR Su's second year was even better! Her friends were still her friends, she enjoyed all her clubs, and there was even a carnival that her sisters got to visit her at! Speaking of them, she had to greatly increase the skill of the puzzles to keep them occupied, making it so the clues were pieces of a much larger map that would ultimately lead them to their great prize. What made it even better was that none of the clues were linear so it was possible to find one part of the map but the clues lead to a completely different thing! Truly, it was her masterpiece.
                ◊ THIRD YEAR Su's year was going great! Her friends were amazing, classes were going great, clubs were fun, it was all so great! So they didn't actually go home for the winter holidays, they still had fun with their grandparents. And their sisters really enjoyed the gifts they'd worked on! so it was fine. Honestly! She took up knitting and everything!
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR This year was a Things that they used to be able to brush off suddenly became too much to handle and they found themselves withdrawing a bit from her friends. To the point that even Sierra pointed out how weird that was. After a cold winter walk with Lewis it became clear what, at least partially, was the issue. Well not so much issue, not so much of anything really. That was a joke. Kinda like their gender! So far, they've just been reading up more on their feelings and other letters in the alphabet mafia and suffice to say, aLOT is starting to make sense.
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Wekesa Afolayan and Chikere Kariuki
                Siblings - Lindwe Naataanii Afolayan and Efemena Tatenda Afolayan
                Grandparents - Thokozani and Afua Afolayan; Nekoda and Subira Kariuki
                Aunts/Uncles - Imamu Afolayan (MIA)

                Lyn and Efe Afolayan
                Lewis Abrams
                Nicholas Hayward-Ye
                Sierra Whitethorne
                Yarrick Knapp

            ENEMIES N/A
            PETS An elf owl named Gylfie

        xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        PENDED BY ♥ Steffy ♥ 01/15/23
        ACCEPTED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰[05/09/2023]

        UPDATED 5/7/2024 xxx
        UPDATES MADExxx
        Age, year, school year bioxxxxxx
        (recent update)xxxxxx
        (recent update)