Gitano had been on his own, something which was a fairly rare occurance, but moving around the large downstairs looking for something to occupy his time with. Luca was out, off getting more paints, so he needed to find something to do tonight. He'd already fed, that was easy, but with no parties or anything going on he wasn't so sure what to do. It also didn't help that no one seemed to be around either, the place was lacking in the usual noise which filled the place, as he wandered the marble floors.

Turning another corner he finally settled for heading to the library to see if he couldn't find something interesting. Perhaps a book on perfumary, or art history? He wasn't too fussy, though he was a bit picky honestly, he happen to like reading about various art forms be it history or how to create something. Gitano wasn't as artistic as his partner but he wasn't entierly useless either. He had a thing for perfumes, something he'd taken to slowly, and rather liked to idea of perfumery and creating various scents. It was something he dabbled in though, a personal passion of his, it wasn't somethign he sold or even thought of selling or making famous. Though when he got really good with it he might fill this mansion with scents he'd created.