With Liri's gentle kisses and pets, snuggled up close to him, X felt as if he could finally relax. There was still the issue with Pretty Boy, and ironing out that snag, but he couldn't do anything about that right now. No, he'd face him later that day, in hopes the could work things out and clear the air. For now, he wouldn't worry about that. Even if s**t hit the fan, or he was out, he'd still have Deliirum, come what may.

Did X still believe he deserved absolutely none of this? ... of course. Was he still anxious that maybe, just maybe, Liri would come to regret his time spent with him? Certainly. Nothing in life was guaranteed... but the were together here, and now, and X was ready to see things through to the end. With Liri, with the Band, the Club...

He was tired of assuming the worst. Look at where it got him? He might never trust those in Clans with their power, their manipulation, their games... but he trusted Liri. He trusted Pretty Bo. He trusted MJ. The crew. The club staff. He was read to turn over a new leaf and re-dedicate himself to all of it.

"Love you," he murmured sleepily against Liri's skin.