A Guide to Throwbacks

What are Throwbacks?
A throwback is basically dormant genetic material in your Kat from a direct familial relation (a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc.) that can show up in the children of your Kats.

What family members can be used?
Only direct ancestors of the Kats breeding. So Parents, Grandparents, GreatGrandparents, etc.
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, etc. cannot be used.

How do we use these in breedings now?
You can choose to add up to FOUR family members TOTAL from both pet's direct familial lines into a breeding in order to possibly gain traits/colors/edits etc. from prior generations/ancestors.

How do we choose who to use?
This MUST be discussed between both parties breeding their Kats and agreed upon. You can mix and choose a couple from one parent and a couple from the other if so desired. You can also only add throwbacks from one parent or the other. It's up to you! So long as they are direct ancestors. Again, only up to FOUR may be used per breeding.

Do we need permission to use Kats in throwbacks?
YES. You must ALWAYS get verbal permission for using Throwbacks you don't own in a breeding. If this becomes and issue we may consider implementing written permission so please follow the rules!

Does the owner of the throwback get an egg?
No. Throwback owners do not get an egg as their Kats are not breeding. This is just genetic material from parents.

Are throwback Kats on Cooldown if used?
No. They are not using Breeding Magic and are not involved in the breeding AT ALL aside from having given their own children the genetic material to possibly pass down to future generations.

How Edited can babies come out from throwbacks?
Throwbacks are completely CC. Colorists can choose to use them if they want. Babies will never be more edited than the two parents actually providing genetic material, unless using a Fertility Demi that is. Getting any edits at all from throwbacks is also completely CC. So please do not expect to be guaranteed certain edits using throwbacks.

What if the throwback is a different race than both parents? What race will the baby be?
Babies can only be the parent's race. Throwbacks do not affect race.

Can Poly Groups use Throwbacks?
At this time no. Since Poly Groups have a special mechanic called Poly Magic they cannot use Throwbacks at this time. This is to keep the colorists from becoming overwhelmed and to allow non-poly breeding's a chance at a special mechanic as well.

Can Kats who are flinging use Throwbacks?

My Kat/Kats ancestor got a glow-up. What version do I use for throwback?
You must use the most recent version of the Kat as that is now the cannon version. Old versions cannot be used.