Disco: Ok guys, lets move on to the next segment. So last show I know you couldn't get through, Konnan, did you catch this Dean Johnson vs Better Than You match? Because I've got a lot to say about this---

Konnan: Yes, I did see the match Disco. Let me just say this--

Disco: Well let me start first, Konnan--Ok let me get the positives out of the way. I like this Dean Johnson kid. Guy's got good instincts in there, throws smoke. All his stuff looks solid, he doesn't try to do more than what he needs to do. Kind of reminds me of how guys back in our day--

Konnan: Yeah I like his stuff too--

Disco: I'm making a point, let me finish. So you've got Dean Johnson, solid worker. And then you've got this uh, this Better Than You Kid. And I know we talked a lot about the segment last week, about the record low ratings and all of that--

Joe Feeney: Oh man, here we go--

Disco:--But I just don't see it in this kid. I mean everyone on Twitter is like, oh D.I he gets such good heat he's such a good heel yadda yadda yadda. I'm like, bro, that's not real heat. First of all, you've got the same smart, nerd culture cosplay wrestling fans showing up at these shows, week after week. And they love this kid, the like uhh.... Otaku... Wrestling fans.. They love this kid they're trying to get him over they start these chants--

Joe Feeney: Oh you mean those Better Than You Sucks chants?? Those were pretty annoying..

Konnan: But how can you say whether or not that's real heat, DI? Were you at the show? When I'm booking in Mexico--

Disco: Ok, ok, you guys keep cutting me off let me just finish then you guys can go off ok?! So they start off.. They got to the heat.. And they do all this smoke & mirrors BS, they have some plants out there and try to make it like this out of control shoot type situation. No one buys it. I just don't buy it with this BTY kid. His strikes suck. He's corny on the mic. These fans come and they chant his name, but do the casual fans actually care? I mean, do you really buy they'd be invested enough to riot over this kid? Whatever. They go to the finish, Johnson goes over, they bring out Delabonte to do damage control but by then it's too late. I'll be interested to see the rating on this segment--

Joe: I'll get that for you Disco.

Konnan: OK, so a couple of things. First of all, you don't actually know if those fans were plants or not--

Disco: Oh come on...

Konnan: Will you let me finish? I gave you like 10 minutes now it's my turn... Even if it was plants, do you really blame them? It's not the days of EEW vs. RWA, ok? It's not like you have two strong companies with a bunch of new guys coming in week after week. WWFG is the only show in town. We never thought it'd be like this, unfortunately that's just the reality... There's what, like 6 people on any given show? We're lucky this company is even alive. So yeah, the Better Than You Kid is a little green. Personally, I wouldn't book him but WWFG obviously believes in him and uh... Well... It is what it is. At least they're trying. And with this new instant replay stuff, who knows, maybe they'll turn it around.

Joe: So the segment lost about 25,000 viewers but it was going up against the NBA--

Disco: Wow. That's still a lot. And just one last thing, on the whole Video Ref deal... Look... People have been talking about having an electronic ref in g-feds since they ran the PW forums. I mean, we used to talk about that all the time in WCW, how much it would improve things. So I'm curious to see how it works.. But it's like, this idea, it's 10 years too late. Maybe if they brought it around when BBW was still around it'd make a difference. Or even before, could you imagine if they had a video referee in the original FFA when we were kids?

Joe: Now that would be awesome!

Disco: But now? I.. I just don't see it. I dunno.. I don't see the point. I mean, we can keep covering this stuff if you guys want we can... But the product just feels rudderless to me.

Konnan: Alright, lets move on to the next match Jay Blue Lightning vs DJ Killa Kyle...