[The following video was uploaded to the WWFG official website the night prior to Wrestlemania.]

The video starts, showing Salem sitting on the edge of the Damone's family ring in the basement known as the "Dragon's Den". He looks sweaty and well-exercised, and behind him in the ring stood the towering Jarel Damone, also perspiring as he toweled off in the background. Looking dead-eyed into the camera, however, Salem seemed to ignore all else around him as he addressed the lens.

"You know, after Cartwright nearly broke my throat in half with a baseball bat some years ago, I thought I'd never be able to wrestle again. I endured surgeries, couldn't eat solid food for months, couldn't hardly breathe on my own for a while. But when he reopened WWFG last year, I saw my chance to get revenge, and to achieve the one goal I'd never managed to - winning the WWFG World Heavyweight Championship. I promised myself I'd never let myself feel so hopeless again. I'd never let someone do to me what Cartwright did, ever again...and then along came you, Bison."

A loud, snapping 'click' was heard somewhere out of frame, accompanied by a row of lights the furthest behind Salem switching off, lowering some of the available light in the vast space.

"When you slammed my spine with that steel cage over and over, and over again, I felt something break inside me. But unfortunately for you, it wasn't my back - it was my concentration, my focus on just achieving those goals. Getting my retribution on Cart, who used to be my best friend, getting my hands on that world title, you made those plans seem insignificant when you laid me up in that hospital, Mbadi. See, this time around, I wasn't struggling through it alone, no sir. This time, I had true friends help pick me back up, help me heal back stronger, and with Wrestlemania happening tomorrow, I wanted to be the first one to tell you, Bison, that your days of walking around without looking over your shoulder, your nights of sleeping with both eyes closed, that's all about to change."

Another click. Another row of lights extinguished, allowing more shadows to swell up into the room behind Salem.

"See, I've got a lot of history at Wrestlemania. It's where I started in this industry, it's where my story began, day one. It's where I've beaten Brody Robinson, AJ Warner, Cyrus Leone, and others, where I've won Money in the Bank, and that story gets a new chapter come tomorrow when I come back and give you the beating you deserve and remind you just who the hell you've messed with. You thought stepping on a snake was a good idea? You thought there wasn't enough venom in my bite to put a Bison down? Heh...the thing about a snake bite, Mbadi, is sometimes the venom lingers long after the fangs leave. Sometimes the wound you think is healing starts to rot, starts to fester, and before you know it, you gotta lose part of you to save yourself. Like an animal, chewing it's leg off in a trap."

Another switch was flipped, three-fourths of the lights now extinguished behind Salem as a tall shadowy figure moved towards the ring out of the darkness, Jarel making his way back towards "The Copperhead".

"You think you took something from me, Bison? Nah, son - you helped me find part of myself I didn't know I had. You helped me find my daughter, find a family all my own, and now, I'm not just fighting for my pride or my success, I'm not coming back just to settle the score, I'm coming back to teach her a lesson you should've learned from me a long time ago, Bison - way back in our days in another promotion, when I was beating you for a different title. You're both gonna learn what happens when you don't tread lightly around a serpent. Because when those lights come on tomorrow night, when it's showtime, I'm not waiting for a spot on the card to get my hands on you. I'm going to be the first one out, I'm going to start the show and end your arrogant streak, for her as much as myself. Maybe about now you're feeling some of that venom kicking in. Agitation, cold sweats, paranoia...I told you, a snake's fangs run deep, and you can never fully clean the wound."

Another click, extinguishing the remaining lights behind Salem, leaving only those behind the camera to illuminate the shot. The ring was almost completely dark behind the apron Salem sat on, Jarel now moving next to Croft's side.

"At Wrestlemania, I get my life back. At Wrestlemania, I'm going to steal the show. Let me give you my two cents plainly, Bison - at Wrestlemania, I'm coming for you, ni-" Salem started to exclaim before Jarel reached over to cover his mouth.

"Hey, you can't say that, man." the Elder Dragon cautioned, a look of mild shock on the man's face as Salem moved the man's hand away and looked back at him, perplexed.

"What, nickel? Y'know, like a buffalo nickel? He's named Bison, I did the two cents thing, I thought it tied together."

"Well it doesn't and it's lame." Jarel said, walking out of frame.

"You're lame." Salem chided back, watching Jarel make his way to the switches by the stairs that led to the first floor.

"So glad this is your last night here." Jarel replied as he started flipping more toggles, cutting lights off to the sides of Salem.

"Ugh. You spoiled it, now. I'm not redoing it, either. <******** it, just get ready Bison. I'm gonna beat your humpty-dumpty looking a** all over that arena." he fumed, storming out of the shot. After a moment of pause, though, he popped back into view, leaning over into the camera angle and pointing a finger at the lens.

"And Kyra, if you heard that, don't use those words."

With that, a final switch was heard clicking, the room going completely dark as the camera cut off.