Name: Grant Parker Tyson

Nickname: "The Titan"

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 275 lbs

Theme song: Kickstart My Heart - Mötley Crüe

Hometown: New York City

Appearance: "The Titan" has a chiseled physique with bulging muscles, a thick beard, and long, flowing hair. He wears a black and gold wrestling singlet, with his logo emblazoned on the front. His intimidating presence is heightened by the intense gaze he maintains throughout his matches.

Personality: "The Titan" is known for his no-nonsense attitude and brutal fighting style. He's a fierce competitor, always striving for victory at any cost. Outside of the ring, he's a mysterious figure, keeping to himself and rarely showing his emotions. He's not one for small talk or pleasantries, and prefers to let his actions speak for themselves.

Signature Moves:

"The Titan Bomb" - A devastating powerbomb that leaves his opponents reeling.
"The Chokehold" - A submission hold that squeezes the life out of his opponents.
"The Titan Slam" - A high-impact move that sees "The Titan" lift his opponent high above his head before slamming them to the mat.
Finisher Move: "The Colossus Crush" - A move that sees "The Titan" hoist his opponent onto his shoulders, before crushing them with a thunderous Samoan Drop.

Background: "The Titan" grew up on the streets of New York, fighting to survive. He discovered his love for wrestling at an early age, and trained tirelessly to become the powerhouse he is today. His brutal fighting style and no-nonsense attitude have made him one of the most feared wrestlers in the industry. Despite his intimidating presence, "The Titan" has a fierce loyalty to his friends and family, and will stop at nothing to protect them.

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