x Σℂ xJULIETTExxxCORINNExxxDELACROIXx⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxx Σℂ BASICS⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NICKNAMES Jules. (They hate “Julie”-- “It’s Jules because I put in Work!”
GENDER nonbinary (assigned female at birth)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION Wat (planned Panromantic Asexual)
AGE 11
BIRTHDAY May 3rd, 2048 -- Taurus
LANGUAGES English, (fluent), Irish Gaelic, HTML (interactive level) Javascript (Hello World Level)

BLOOD STATUS Halfblood/ Half breed
MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Quarter-Veela (from Ferdie)
WAND pine wood, veela hair (from Seweryna) 10¾ inches, unyielding.

FACECLAIM Anime pics
HEIGHT 4 ft 8 in (142 cm)
WEIGHT 81 lbs (37 kg)
APPEARANCE white hair, purple eyes

xxx Σℂ SCHOOL AND CAREER⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Gryffindor
YEAR first

■ Daily Dragon writer and artist
■ Quidditch (announcing)
■ Astronomy Club???? Art of the Sword??? Art??
■ Music club (yr 1 only)

■ Astronomy
■ Transfiguration

■ Potions
■ History

DREAM JOB Artist/ Designer

xxx Σℂ PERSONALITY⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CALM Juliette tries to see the beauty in every person and situation. They aren't very fussy, as comfortable with attention and following along as autonomy and working alone--their favorite environment involves having multiple people in a room, all working on their own things and occasionally talking. When stressed, they tend to close up by being more quiet and polite; random outbursts are more when they’re comfortable and content. While some things still throw them for a loop, and they'll express this around friends and family, Jules has shown a tendency to be increasingly contemplative and thoughtful as they grow.

SPUNKY Calm and collected doesn’t mean there’s no room for silliness, and Juliette’s more spirited side comes out in their work and when they’re comfortable. With family and friends, they will point out silly jokes or details, and love adding funny lines to the details or metadata of their work. They enjoy the puns kind of play as much as the thrill of sports or games. No matter what is going on, there's always opportunity to have fun while doing it--even if unintentionally.

COMPETITIVE Micro-challenges and silly competitions belie Juliette's underlying enthusiastic and determined streak– Their competitive spirit is mostly for the exhilaration and common goal/ focus-- they don’t really care about winning or losing so much as the experience of playing well together. The best award is acknowledgement as a good rival and being invited to compete or study together again.

CURIOUS Juliette is always asking “how” or “why” or “how else”. They like figuring out what things do, how things work or why things happen, and have a bad habit of trying to poke everything they can get their hands on. They are always looking forward to what is next on the horizon in terms of improving themselves or their work.

REVISIONARY Juliette is motivated to learn and build mastery (or at least competence) for the sake of learning and improving. They welcome feedback and consider every project a constant work-in-progress.This work in progress though, isn't obligated--as long as the minimum viable product has been met, or as Jules puts it, it's functional, then the assignment/ project can be turned in or shown off for feedback. If they feel like going back later and doing it better or doing it for fun, they'll do it. If not, there's always another project that those skills will help with.

■ Drawing/ sketching/ journaling, general artbook stuff
■ Designing robots/ puzzle boxes....stuff!
■ Listening to audiobooks, sports shoutcasting, and trivia game shows.

■ Science fiction, fantasy, steampunk aesthetic
■ Math and Science -- Algorithms and Systems thinking in Biorobotics and HCI.
■ Violin music
■ video games-- fighting games, escape rooms
■ Ice cream and cold treats in general

■Throwing things away -- their scrap box keeps getting bigger.
■ Both being alone and not being able to do their own hobbies
■ Violin Practice
■ Secrets
■ Citrus. And strawberries.

■ Curious, analytical
■ Veela charm

■ Tends to always leave one step incomplete when cleaning up or doing something
■ Hoards things– everything could potentially be a useful tinkering piece!

■ Designing a...thing. An arm? A building? A new species? A thing.
■ Owning a tortoiseshell cat called Zephyrine who follows them around and accepts all the pets. (They are very allergic to cats)

■ Vertigo– they don’t mind heights, but the dizziness that comes from it striking is not only frustration-inducing but paralyzing.
■ Giant strawberries taking over the world (this is a recurring nightmare).

xxx Σℂ BACKSTORY⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Σℂ ⊱∫EARLY CHILDHOOD Juliette is the first child of Ferdie and Elisabet Delacroix. As a toddler, she spent most of the day "assisting" mummy from her play pen, where she happily drew new inventions, "typed" articles on a play typewriter, and took naps on Speck, the family's Australian Shepherd. In the evenings she loved it when Ferdie picked her up to play, or when they watched game shows together. Her favorite toys include mummy's arm and daddy's typewriter. The most exciting day of her life was the day she climbed on the kitchen counter in an attempt to find and liberate chocolate from the jar it was trapped in.

When she was three, her younger brother Mercurio was born. Juliette was a little disappointed he didn’t do anything but sleep, but she would take her "work" into his room sometimes to share and keep him company. Maybe Merc could learn in his sleep. She adopted the same approach when Elara was born a few years later.

In muggle elementary, Juliette enjoyed playing football and fighting video games with her friends. She was part of the Science Olympiad from early on, where she was mentored by Will Thomas. Outside of school, Jules and Lewis Abrams, son of one of the shopkeepers in Diagon Alley, befriended each other through fun conversations and competitions.

Starting early in third grade Juliette transitioned to using nonbinary pronouns.



xxx Σℂ RELATIONSHIPS⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Parents Elisabet Delacroix, nee Amsel Artificer (muggleborn); Ferdinand Delacroix, Inquirer for the Daily Prophet (Halfblood/ Half veela)
Siblings Mercurio Leopold Delacroix, Assistant Artificer ; Elara Catherine Delacroix, Assistant Artist
Paternal family Emeric Delacroix, Head of the Department of Magical games and Sports (pureblood) ; Seweryna (Veela); Eion and Amylika Delacroix, Moira Payne
Maternal Grandpa Terrence Amsel (muggle).
Pets Zephyrine (Mechanical cat); Speck (family Australian Shepherd dog)

Rival/ Best friend: Lewis Abrams
Roxanne Cadence Archer, Flick Knapp
Older Students:William Thomas, science olympiad mentor
■ Basically their entire muggle class including NPcs Nikolaj, Astrid, and Karla
■ First one to add the other as a friend wins bragging rights?

Σℂ ⊱∫NOTE: Allergic to strawberries and cats

xxx Σℂ UPDATES⊱∫xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CREATED June 2019
UPDATED 12 May 2023
■ Update for Hogwarts
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 05/28/2023(do not touch this)
ACCEPTED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 [10/13/2023]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)