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Total word count is 2,738
Total word count for Kara is 1,272
Total word count for Natelie is 1,466
KaraAsumie — 05/30/2023 12:22 AM
Fawn was traveling to the beach as she was going there to play in the water and look for pretty things on the shore lines. Things like rocks, shells, and so much more was on her list of things to find. But she was not planning on traveling alone so before she had started off on this trip she had woke up Terence and was dragging him along. "Come on Terence. If you get lost then I am leaving you behind." She pointed out as it should not be easy to get lost as the trails lead to the beach are pretty well kept and hard for one to get lost as all the trails would take you by something familiar that would help you know where you were. But this is Terence she is thinking about. Watch him prove her wrong and get lost. Sighing at the thought as she looks back at him. He was the funniest family member to bring along on trips because of the way he reacts to things. This made her want to drag him about and spent time with him. He is the fun uncle without him even trying. But that is what made him the best travel buddy. Yawning a bit seeing this trip started pretty early in the morning and Fawn was too excited to really sleep but she is an adult so she should not let this stop her or even slow her down. Shaking her head as she pushes herself to continue. Looking in front of her and scanning the trails as she stops and looks back towards her uncle Terence. "Hmm Terence we should not be too much longer on the trail before we get there." She points out watching him freak out when there is the sound of something moving off trail. Like a bunny or something.

WC :: 310

Natelie — 05/30/2023 1:00 AM
Terence woke up with a start, half up atleast but his back legs sunk back down. "Huh? Wha.. Fawn?" He shuffled to right himself and get all four legs under himself to stand. He yawned and looked at the mare and shook his head "Ooh no. Don't look at me with that crazy idea of, well whatever you plan to do" He answered and tried to go back to sleep next to his mother. But now both mares were nudging him and urging him to go. He huffed and started along behind Fawn, flicking his short tail in mild irritation. "It's too early to walk around lost" he muttered, feeling like his mother must have put Fawn up to this trip to drag him along. More and more he was pulled away from his comfort zone and most times it was his niece causing it. He barely watched the trail as he tagged along, growing steadily awake and noticing small noises off the trail. "Hmm" he glanced her way right before averting off the trail and diving into a bush to root around for the noise maker. "Come on out critter!" He bounded off briefly and showed up again with sticks and leaves in his mane when she would reach the golden sand of the beach. "It got away. Must have spooked it." He did look proud of scaring off a spying little creature. Until he realized his hooves were slowly inching into the sand and he looked panicked. He kept picking up each leg which kept the feeling of sinking into the softer sand. "Quick question, am I going to die here?" He moved around unable to stay in place and bow not only did he sink in a little but he was kicking up quite a bit of this traumatic ground he was trying to escape from. He trotted circles around her, huffing in panted breathes. "What is this?!" He stopped with his eyes still widened then bucked and ran out further towards the water instead of back towards solid ground.

Wc: 343

KaraAsumie — 05/30/2023 11:11 AM
Fawn couldn't help but giggle as she watched her uncle. "No you are not going to die here. The ground is softer so you will sink into it a bit and that is all. This is a beach silly. The more you sink depends on your weight." She trots after him. Did he not find it a bit harder to move in the sand? It made for a good work out though. Once she caught up to him she turned fast and cut him off. "Uncle please relax. The sinking is normal. We are here to play in the water and look for pretty things on the shore. I thought you would like a relaxing trip after that trapped in the forest that the spirit took us into." Fawn pointed out as she was trying to do something nice for both of them. After all they needed a nice relaxing trip and this is what came to mind. She was not trying to do any pranks or anything today. Just to play in the water and find pretty things. She nuzzles him to calm him down a bit as she does care for her uncle and thinks he needs to find someone so that he won't be such a momma's boy. "Now let's have fun and find some pretty things to take home and maybe make things out of them." She pokes out as she hopes what she has said has calmed him down so that they can have a fun and relaxing time at the beach. "What would you like to do first?"

WC :: 264

Natelie — 05/30/2023 11:37 AM
Terrance overexerted himself and flopped on the sand. If he was going to be taken by this sand, he could make it faster laying down. He let out a deep huff, blowing loose sand in front of his muzzle. He wasn't sinking anymore and slowly he came to the realization that sand could be comfortable. Even more so then the hard ground he was used to. His head lifted to return the nuzzle, indeed calmer from the gesture. "Find things, here?" He questioned. It just looked like a lot of sand to him. When he could muster the energy to stand, he shifted to get up. Finding it much harder with this stuff as it gave no good footing to do so. "It's uh.. hard yo get up." He kicked at the sand and pulled his legs together before fibally standing again. "No spiders here right?" He then questioned her since she knew more about this beach thing then him. "Just water and sand. Juuust water and sand" He repeated as he ventured along side her to the wetter part of the beach. His hooves digging in with a mush. Looking down he could see the imprint he left along with some water and bubbles. It was a weird concept to take in. "So what pretty things are out here anyway?" The ocean waves washed up into shore close to where they were but not to hooves yet. "This water moves with no waterfalls. Is.. this dangerous then?"

WC: 248

KaraAsumie — 05/30/2023 11:52 AM
Fawn looking at Terence.. "Hmm I never seen a spider on the beach. Oh and pretty things the water brings to shore. Like shells, rocks, and things like that." She steps into the water a bit letting it wash over her hooves. "No waterfalls and not more dangerous than any other body of water. Well that I know of." Using a hoof she points at a shell being washed onto the shore as she giggles a bit. "The water feels nice. So let's play." She points out that she wanted a day of fun before they head home. After all she did not think they would be at the beach longer than a few hours. Just long enough to play and relax. Fawn does not want her uncle to get too overwhelmed. She wants him to relax and have fun. This is way she planned this and even had her grandma help get him up and moving. One day she wants him to be happy with some pretty thing that makes him feel safe. That is what she wished for her uncle. But his big baby ways made him cute in her book and might just be his selling point. She lays down and rolls in the water on the shore so only a few inches deep. Just to feel the temp of the water before going swimming for a little bit.

WC :: 232

Natelie — 05/30/2023 12:42 PM
He watched her curiously as she explained lack of spiders and the ocean wasn't dangerous. From the shore he couldn't tell how deep this water went. He hadn't exactly learned to swim. Any water source they had would at most come up over his back but not over his head. Cautiously he stepped closer to the waves on shore until it washed over his hooves and he could feel some cool water sensation above them. "But my mane" he tried to protest. What he didn't know was that mane of curly locks was more wild then usual. She hadn't given him time to sit with his mother who would fix it. There was even a stray short lock sticking up in front above his left glowing eye and one strewn over his dark horn. Lifting a hoof he would kick at the water and wet sand. Digging up nothing so far. Another two jabs at the sand and he whinied loudly, a creature under there sputtering water at him for the disturbance. She had mentioned a few times having fun and so far he was freightened but not much else. After calming down again he would look over at his niece rolling in the shallow water. "Fawn, is this where the fabled water soquili live? You think they come up this far from out there?" Now he was inquisitive. "Grandma said there were different kinds just like us. Hopefully nothing.. scary." He was still hesitating to go further out like she had. The sun was warm but his white coat was still keeping him cool enough that he didn't feel the need yet. He did however prance in place to kick up water around his legs, inadvertently splashing towards her.

WC: 290

KaraAsumie — 05/30/2023 1:22 PM
Fawn was giggling as the crab was upset with her uncle. "Hmm the water goes pretty deep. After all it is home to creatures far bigger than us. So yea some of those are the water Soquili. I know some are small and some are huge. Nothing else seeing I have never seen one myself." She points out. "And why are you bothering the crabs?" She wonders a bit as she laughs more. Looking about she found a shell where the inside looked like a mirror and she shows him what his hair looks like. She was going to tell him to look at his hair but the shell is in her mouth so she can't really form words that would be understandable. But she knows once he looks at it that his reaction is going to be priceless. Also she was going to keep this shell. It will have a story tied to it now. She was having fun.

WC :: 160

Natelie — 05/30/2023 2:14 PM
Terence bent his head down to examine the crab that unearthed from the sand and was threatening with two big claws snapping at the air near his snout. He snorted and flicked sand over it which agitating it more. It clamped onto some of his fetlock. Lifting that leg he stared at the small menacing creature. "I didn't mean to. I think it's mad now" Tries to gently flick it off but it hangs on. He makes a bit of a pouty face at Fawn for help, holding up that leg still. "Wait did you say some are bigger then us?" That might not have been a good idea to say around a flighty soquili like Terence. "Can they ever.. walk on land? Please tell me this was still a good idea." While she was having fun, he was struggling to find the same enjoyment that she was. Once the crab was removed and scuttled away he noticed she found another shell. "What is.. aaaaaah!" He saw his reflection off the mirror like sheen of the shell and jumped in shock. "Oh. Oh no. It's terrible!" He yelped, flicking his head and mane to try to dislodge the hair over his horn. Curls flying about and all he managed to do was get even more stuck. In a last ditch effort he tried to get it all wet by going out further into the surf. Dunking under as a bigger wave smacked over him. While under water his eyes shot open in his panic and he swallowed some of the salty water. His hoof caught in some seaweed as he struggled back up over the waves. "It got me!" He yelled and whinied, flailing in the water. His body dropped onto his side as he kicked out from the wrapped seaweed. At the other end that stretched out and floated amungst the waves there was a large jellyfish.

WC: 318

KaraAsumie — 05/30/2023 3:09 PM
Fawn got to her uncle in record time as she helps him up and back to the shore. "Ok. Yes the crab was mad. No Mers and Seathi can not walk on land. They have to live in the water." She points out as she leads him to the shore and out of the water. Then she fixes his mane. "Uncle would you like to go back home?" Fawn wondered as he didn't seem to be having fun out here on the beach. So she looks about finding some pretty rocks and a few more shells. Putting them into her bag she brought with her. Staying close to her uncle so that nothing comes to get him and he can calm himself down. She did keep a bit of the seaweed that had ahold of him in her bad as well. "Next time where would you like to go?" Wondering as she looks at him. She really thought the beach would be a nice place for him. But maybe he isn't the type for trips to the beach. She wondered a bit on where would be the best place for her uncle. "If you want then we can go home?"

WC :: 200

Natelie — 05/30/2023 3:57 PM
Terence kicked free of the seaweed with her help before resting quietly for some time. The waves still crashed around him but not so strongly that it could drown him. It gave her time to still collect a few things before coming around to check on him and ask if he wanted to go home. It saddened him that it wasn't a great experience for him and that he must have tarnished her fun plans that they should have been able to enjoy together. Once again he ruined things. It was a theme for his family when he was involved wven if his grandmother tried to prevent any incidents. He rolled upright then used the previous experience of sand and hooves to right himself into a stand. Shaking off some of the caked sand along his body. His short white coat now dingy and tan. "Maybe not a beach.. I'm sorry niece." He tried to remain calm and polite even though his throat and nostrils burned from inhaling salt water. "I would like to go home and rest. Maybe you should ask another family member to go with you next time." He looked on sadly. The beach was a beautiful place but he couldn't find the same joy with it like others could. He softly nuzzled Fawn before trudging through the sand towards the direction they came from, at least he hoped. Terence used Fawn as his guide back once she would notice him wandering in the wrong direction. "Have I told you lately that I appreciate you? You are kind for bothering with me at all"

WC: 267

KaraAsumie — 05/30/2023 4:18 PM
Fawn nuzzles her uncle and follows him as she corrects him once he was heading a different way. "No need to be sorry. We will find something you will love. Besides I love hanging with you. Your reactions are priceless and you try your best. That is all one can do." She leads him home and once there she helps him clean off and then she heads back to her sleeping area as she is going to look at all the pretty things she has gathered from the trip. Maybe Terence will do better in a garden. Or meadows. She giggles as she thinks about it.

WC :: 106