Feeb looked around, swimming from side to side, grunting a bit as he considered what he was about to say. Suddenly he stopped and stared. “Aye, we’ll be off to find treasure today! But if ye know anything about real treasure hunting, ye know that there will be danger! And lots of it! I don’t want any cowards who run out at the first sight of danger to come with me! If any of ye feel like yeh need to leave then do so now! Because we will be going into the territory of a deep, tentacle-terror that’s been the stuff of legends around here!”

He looked around with his non-covered eye. “Now who’s with me?!” He asked, yelling quite loudly.

Arden flinched as they were addressed, but at the end of it took a moment to blink, then look to their left, then to their right, even taking a moment to turn around and look behind them. Nope, they were still the only one here.

They had only wanted to do some fun treasure hunting near their home in the sea, so when they had heard about a Seathi giving guided treasure hunt tours around sunken ships and whatnot, they couldn’t pass up the chance!

They were now having second guesses.

They decided that they were still willing to continue, but they weren’t going to fight some tentacled-terror! “Uh… I am.” He said a bit nervously.

Barely giving the other a chance to say anything else, Feeb turned back in the other direction, and Arden gave another look at the other’s dagger. Hopefully it hadn’t been used. Feeb nodded, stuck his head up high, and then yelled, “Off we go then! Make sure to keep up!” He said as he furiously started to swim through the water. It took a moment for Arden to realize that they needed to follow, and had to use all of their strength to keep up with the other who was already a ways ahead of them.

It took a while for the two of them to get to their destination and most of it was quiet except for the occasional exclamation from Feeb and his wandering from certain spots, stopping, looking around, and then starting again. Arden would only just manage to keep up before Feeb started off again and they were starting to think that perhaps that a swimming speed requirement should have been put up in the advertisement.

Still, they eventually made it and Feeb looked at the ship that was now in front of them, a ways down as they were on a bit of an edge. Arden took a moment to catch up and was panting heavily at having to go so quickly. How did Feeb manage to swim so quickly?! Feeb turned to his treasure hunting companion. “We’re here! Feast yer eyes on this wreck! Quite the find if I say so myself, but ye must watch yerself.” He said, then suddenly swam up to Arden’s face, the latter looking at Feeb with shock and wondering what was going to happen next. Feeb stared at one of Arden’s eyes with his non-covered eye. “There be rumors of a dangerous squid down here guarding the treasure. If ye wish to succeeded, ye must confront the squid and defeat it. Then we can take the treasure!”

Arden gulped. Before he could ask what the strategy was to confront the squid, Feeb moved back and looked at the ship and suddenly yelled “CHARGE!” And started swimming furiously again down the cliff and towards the wreck. Arden could only look on in shock before realizing that the Seathi meant to go in boiling. Arden could only sigh as he followed the pirate-themed Seathi into the wreck.

When they got in there it was dark. There was no light except for the little amount that was still coming in through the surface, which wasn’t much considering how deep they were in the ocean. There didn’t appear to be any bioluminescent creatures within the ship either. It made Arden anxious, especially since he could no longer see Feeb. Just as he was about to yell out for the other, he could hear Feeb yell out, “Got ye know ye squid! Prepare to give up yer treasure!” It was coming from below, and Arden hurried down what appeared to be to the lower level and could see!…

Feeb and the squid! Though it was hard to tell in the dark, but the squid finally let off some light and from what Arden could see, it appeared to be quite small. Still, Feeb was battling it and getting tangled up in it’s tentacles as the squid appeared to be trying to get away, only snapping at Feeb in an attempt to get the Seathi off of it.

Feeb noticed that Arden was finally there. “Get off yer tail Arden and grab the treasure!” He said as he pointed a hoof towards what appeared to be a small, grim and barnacle covered chest.

Arden could only silently nod as Feeb continued to “fight” the squid, lifting the treasure, with some effort, out of it’s place and then swam out of the ship as fast as they could!

Feeb meanwhile was still wresting with the squid who had decided that the annoying creature was not going to go away on it’s own and so it would have to defend it’s territory from Feeb and squirted him with ink in his eyes! “Blast ye squid! I’ll be back!” Feeb yelled as he coughed and swam away, catching up with Arden. He hmphed. “Blasted squid got me in the face.” As if the blackened face wasn’t evidence of what happened.” But yeh got the treasure right?” He asked Arden. Arden could only nod.

Feeb moved and opened the chest and revealed!… Well, if one counted moldy scraps of cloth as “treasure”. There was some jewelry in it however and Arden let out a sigh of relief. The trip hadn’t been for nothing! That was until Feeb put an arm around them and said, “We’ll be back tomorrow for that squid!”

The end