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"Where is it?" Kaimana muttered to herself, frustrated.

It was not quite midday, yet the sun already bore down with unforgiving heat on the tender flesh of her neck and back. It was also Kaimana's third day combing this shoreline and its waters in search of materials.

The water swirled around her knees, already warmed by several prior weeks of sweltering heat, and occasionally a wave would rise to the level of Kaimana's shoulders, sweeping over her face. Even though her head was bent down towards the shallow waters, she had to squint against the bright reflections dancing across the summering surface.

She had promised to meet the de facto leader of her group at this beach, but Hokulani was late, and Kaimana did not have all of her goods prepared as had been discussed. The start of summer was approaching quickly, and in only a few short weeks the solstice ceremonies would begin, but their preparations were far behind. She hoped Lavender had been more successful in her search.

A swell rose up again, engulfing Kaimana's entire head this time. She swam up to the surface and took a deep breath, shaking seawater from her nose and eyes while the wave carried her back to shore. She stood at the beach and gazed out at the ocean as the water lapped at her feet.

Kaimana was about to head further out when she heard a voice. She jumped, startled, and turned toward the sound.

Word count: 245

"Kaimana! Did you manage to find them?"

An angeni-unicorn mare stood by the treeline, taking refuge in the shadow provided by the thick branches. Some of the leaves permitted the sunlight to filter through, and the places where the light hit seemed to glow with unearthly light. In the shade, the mare looked like a ghost. Kaimana recognized her as Lavender, and indeed the mare suited her namesake; her snowy coat was covered with patches of cool blues and purples reminiscent of the flower.

Word count: 84

"Lavender!" Kaimana called out to her, surprised, and waded back towards the trees to meet the mare. "What are you doing here?" She left behind hoofprints, but her transparent feet were barely visible and seemed to shimmer and sparkle with small orange lights, like the scales of a fish.

Word count: 49

Lavender nodded toward Kaimana in response, and took a few steps away from the trees, walking toward her friend.

She didn't like summer very much. Summertime meant sunlight, and sunlight meant heat and blinding brightness. In the winter it wasn't so bad, even when it reflected off the snowy peaks where she spent most of her time, but now it felt oppressive even though it was only late spring. Her coat, which was somewhat thicker and downier than would normally be expected of a soquili, was not suited for these temperatures. Lavender suspected that both her parents had been descendants of northerners who had spent their lifetimes, generation after generation, in the cool of the mountains where summer was short and winter was a desperate time for survival.

But here, food and trade were plentiful, and winters were mild. The harshness of the summer made up for it.

Word count: 148

"No," Kaimana shook her head in response. "Actually, I'm surprised. How did you manage to find me? I know you don't like these sorts of places." Kaimana grinned at Lavender, but to be truthful she didn't like too much of this sort of weather either, at least on the exposed shoreline. Summertime and sea air revitalized Kaimana but she, too, vastly preferred to be under the water this time of day. But there were mollusks to collect, fish to catch, shells to clean, and deadlines to meet.

"I'm still on the lookout for the oysters and scallops. I should've marked them down somewhere when I found their field last year. No I'm scouring the entire ocean trying to find them on time," she grumbled unhappily, leaning her forehead against the mare's shoulder. Her sore back muscles burned. "I have regrets."

Word count: 135

Lavender tut-tutted and nipped at Kaimana. "It'll be alright. You deserve a break. And don't worry, I have good news," she said, her eyes sparkling.

Lavender reached down into the pack nestled behind her wings while Kaimana watched her curiously, and produced a jar sealed with a cork and tied with a pink ribbon. Inside were gleaming ivory and pale pink spheres with an iridescent sheen. Immediately, her companion's face lit up.

"I managed to get hold of some," Lavender said cheekily after setting the glass down at Kaimana's feet. The pearls shone in the dim light of the shade. She added, "I wonder why Hokulani wanted you to collect pearls? Is that something your herd normally does when preparing for the solstice?" She looked up to meet Kaimana's eyes.

Word count: 130

"Wooow. Am I glad to see you. You really spared me a lot of trouble, Lav," Kaimana said, breathing out a sigh of relief and closing her eyes.

"Oh yes. It's only your second time joining us for the summer solstice preparations, right?" she glanced at Lavender, who nodded, then continued, "Some of the inland clans give shell and pearl necklaces to their children when they come of age, or to new couples. I think it's part of some rite related to blessings for fortune and fertility, or something like that. It's easier for each herd to trade for these, rather than making the trip themselves. "I already feel incredibly sore just from three days of searching," she grumbled.

"But I should still look for that pearl field, even though we have enough to go on now. I have the rest in the cave, but you saved my rear. Thank you. How did you come by them?"

Word count: 157

Lavender shook her head, smiling. "Don't worry about it, it wasn't any trouble." She had known Kaimana would have a hard time, since the workload that had come upon their trading caravan was heavier than in years past. For some reason, there had been more of a demand for healers this year too, and that was where Lavender excelled. All it had taken was a stroke of fortune with a trade.

"Come on, let's take a break. We can meet up with Hokulani. I ran into her last night."

Word count: 89

"She's already here? How does she have the energy? Hokulani really is a witch, she never rests," Kaimana sighed. "Actually, let's go." Kaimana started off toward the cave that her herd and their allied traders used as storage.

Soon they both made it into the shadow of a rocky outcropping, an arch of stone that provided shade, shallow tidepools, and the entrance to their cavern. Lavender made sounds of awe and approval as they walked past the makeshift shelves carved into the rock until they reached Kaimana's niche. She packed up her materials and swung a pouch over her neck.

"Lavender, I have something for you. My thanks." Kaimana stuck a small package wrapped in banana leaves into Lavender's pouch. Lavender started to protest, but Kaimana shook her head. "No, open it later. Please take it." After a friendly squabble, Lavender relented and the two of them once again stepped out into the sun.

They headed south, toward Hokulani.

Word count: 159


Total Word Count: 1,198