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Often, Fumiko would get caught up in her learning, or even just in her head for no reason easily seen or determined. Sometimes these spells were short-lived – she might be distant for an hour or two – or they might last longer. The longest Da-Xia could remember was a spell that lasted a few weeks, and was enough to nearly end their fragile newly begun relationship, long before they had committed to one another as mates, having learned each other’s habits and manners. According to Chie, there were a few memorable occasions that lasted even longer. Back when she was nothing more than just the forgotten spare. The strange little princess who preferred to spend her time in her stories or learning, rather than with other living beings.

But Fumiko had come so far since then. They had come so far since then. Now, Da-Xia knew what to look for. Knew the signs, and when it was best to give her the time and space to get through it on her own, and when it was best to stay close and try to ground her, pull her out of her head. This was not one of those times. Da-Xia knew the best thing she could do was leave her beloved tiny mate in peace to work out what needed done. She saw the distant gaze, which was how it began. She needed a little bit of space and time. It was the best possible gift she, and Chie, could give Fumiko.

So the larger mare convinced the lizard - her partner in crime, in the care and keeping healthy of her mate – that it was time they wander off for a bit and leave Fumiko to her own devices. Sooner or later Fumiko would resolve whatever issue was plaguing her and return to her normal sweet and pleasant self. They wandered out to a nearby meadow. With any luck, whatever was bothering Fumiko would be taken care of by the time they returned.

The day was bright and warm and cheerful, so it wasn't a hardship to go and just meander with no purpose or destination in mind. A good chance to simply be. Where they weren't alone, but there was no need to talk, to exchange empty words.

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As they were simply strolling about, Da-Xia saw some cute flowers with wispy leaves. With the bright cheerful yellow color, surely they would be enough to help cheer Fumiko up, or at least brighten her day. 'Well, Chie, what do you think? Should we bring some of these back for Fumiko?'

The lizard came over to examine the flowers, a serious look on her face. 'They seem pleasant. Not sure if they have any specific meaning or purpose... Fumiko will obviously know - she loves plants of all kinds. Why not?'

Though it wasn't a ringing endorsement, it was in its own way, the lizard's form of agreement with the plan, so she walked closer. Da-Xia might not know much about plants, but she did know enough to be careful getting close. She did have some allergies, which had lead to some rather interesting experiences, some plants also had thorns, or other ways of protecting themselves, and she wasn't eager to find out if this flower was one such plant... or if it might have some other protection she might not have encountered before.

She padded her way carefully over. How to collect them to bring back home, especially where Chie seemed in no way eager to assist. This was all her idea, so she would carry it out, and get all the credit.

There seemed to be no thorns or other protections around the flower, so it should be a simple matter of reaching over, snapping a few stems with her teeth and carrying the flowers back home. They had been gone for some time, perhaps it was enough. Perhaps it was time to return home now.

The liquid from the stem, as she crunched through the stem of the plant, including several fern-like leaves was sharply bitter. Her nose scrunched, and she shook her head slightly, trying to get rid of the taste, while not damaging her prize. That was unbelievably foul. But it was for Fumiko, so it was worth it. She would just be certain to get a nice drink to get rid of the taste once she returned and gave them to Fumiko.

The light to her eyes, and her soft small smile... The thought of her mate's happiness brought joy to her own heart, and a lightness to her step. She was eager to get back. Chie followed as close behind as she could, no easy feat, even when the large mare was aware and carefully modulating her gait to allow the lizard to keep up. Normally she would have hitched a ride, but there was something tickling her brain about this flower, but she wasn't sure exactly what or why. So she intended to keep her eyes open to make sure nothing happened to the sweet oftentimes clumsy and awkward mate of her bonded.

Whatever it was that had bothered her earlier, Fumiko was able to quickly shake it off. Not long after her mate and bonded had left, to be accurate, but she was grateful for the thoughtfulness they had shown She was able to shake off the poor mood she was in and relax. At least until her family returned and she saw what Dacie was carrying.

'You idiot!!! Don't you know that in large amounts that Tansy could have killed you?'

WC: ~929