Name: Donny Mantra
Nick Name: Donny
Ht/Wt: 6'0/223
Hometown: Stirling, Scotland
Entrance Music: P.O.D - Addicted
Appearance: With long, auburn hair with greying temples and a short, rough beard, Donny personifies Hollywood's ideal Scotsman, something made even more apparent by the dark purple kilt Donny wears to the ring over a pair of knee length ring gear.
Common Moves: An array of submissions is Donny's usual go to once he can properly ground his opponent. Getting them there however he tends to rely on german, dragon, northern lights and snap suplexes. He also has the power to pull out power slams and bombs, though he likes to get inventive with most of them.
Signature Moves:
Swing Low - A big swing that he finishes by tossing an opponent thropugh the middle and bottom rope.
Big L-Bow - Rarely climbing the turnbuckle, when Donny does, its for a flying elbow drop. Facing away from the downed opponent, Donny leaps backwards, swinging his elbow back at the last moment for big impact.
Bulldoze to Belly - Wrapping his arms around the opponent, Donny bulldozes them into the corner, using the impact to leap backwards and launch them over his head with a belly to belly suplex.
Finisher: Imperctplex - A variation of the fisherman suplex, Donny lifts the opponent slowly with their leg hooked into a stalling Fisherman suplex. He finishes by either completing the suplex as normal, or by bringing them down forwards into a package powerbomb. Both ways end with a pin.
Floating cloverleaf - Donny's fav submission is a modefied Texas Cloverleaf. With the opponent in a TCL, Donny steps into the lock, tucking the opponents leg under him and bridging their leg over his knee, leaving his hands free to taunt and mock his opponent whilst holding them in a more painful version of the classic submission.
Gimmick: Rough but friendly Scotsman. Here to have fun as much as he is to compete. Some what a bit of a returning legend, though mentioning it may embaress him.
Alignment: Face
Match Type Expertise: Submission
Match Type Weakness: Ladder
Weapon Expertise: Kendo Stick
Division: Light Heavyweight
Title History: Forgotten to time