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Sekani had not been coming to the Sin Bin long, having only just discovered the place. Truthfully, he was still discovering the whole vampire world. Having been born a vampire with two mortal parents had seriously hampered his introduction into vampire society. At the moment he was stationed in a small booth just watching. At his elbow was his notebook where he was working on a love poem inspired by the owner of the Sin Bin. He found the vampire’s love affair with the Sheriff so adorable. Not that he would ever tell anyone. He had a feeling one of them would gut him if they knew.

Sipping the colorful drink, Sekani pondered the patrons. He had no agenda for the evening besides enjoying his time here. But an insistent little part of him still craved the companionship he saw all around him. Sekani watched a little sadly as dancers swayed and wondered if finding love was really as hard as it seemed. It was just, no one seemed right or interesting to him. Sure, they made great partners for others, but not for him. He figured he was just too picky and had tried a few times to be less so with little success. Those had been awkward moments. Sighing, Sekani turned his mind away from those disastrous past attempts and watched the present around him.
