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August 2023 RP Prompt: Twisted Fairy Tale.
Based on the p***y Cat Princess...with a twist.


Sylvi had lost count of the days since her elder brother had disappeared from her world. It seemed it was just the other day when he had insisted his trip to the neighboring territory for supplies would be a quick one and he would return before she even noticed his absence. A boisterous smile upon his muzzle and a twinkle in his eye, he disappeared over the horizon like a fading memory. A day passed. Then a week. The seasons changed and Sylvi's heart sank like the sun. Denial set upon her mind and eventually reality settled upon her. Her brother would not return. Their dream of starting a herd, a new group to call family, would not happen. She had to move on and carve out a new dream for herself if she wanted to survive.

So, she wandered with no set destination in mind. Her mind floated long like the summer clouds while her eyes remained glued to the movement of the dirt beneath her claws. Some days she felt little emotion while others consisted of her heart screaming in unrealized pain. Sylvi was alone for the first time in a long time and the mare didn't know how to cope on her own. She missed the feeling of family, or companionship.

Maybe it was the spirts' way of taking pity upon her, or maybe it was just one of their cruel jokes. But, it was not long after Sylvi had made a portion of a meadow her temporary refuge that a small bundle of energy that attached itself to her. Wide grey eyes stared from behind black and brown bangs, and before the mare could even ask where the foal's parents were, the small life quickly declared Sylvi her new found friend. Well, who was she to turn the filly down?

That is how the pink maned mare found herself lying on her side while the filly threw herself upon her like a blanket. The only different is blankets don't ramble on at a mile a minute or ask endless questions without giving other a chance to answer.

"So, what do you think?" Ji-Su asked while staring down at Sylvi.

The young one would usually track down the mare at the first light of day and then make her way back home as the light faded. Though, some days, when her friend allowed, she would just spend the night with the mare. The first few times this happened Sylvi would questioned if Ji's family would be worried, but after explaining that there were times when her parents would be off doing who knows what and her and her siblings would be left on their own, the mare stopped questioning her actions and accepted things as they were.

"What do I think about what?" Sylvi asked, feline ears flicking while her eyes remained closed.

"About romance! I told you my sister likes to go ON AND ON about the stories she hears about true love and other weird stuff." Ji-Su's nose wrinkled as she thought back to some of those recounted stories. Things about princes, true love, courage and...whatever else came with them. "She talks about how she will find her own prince some day and find true love, but I don't know. Do you think true love exists? Is it really that easy to find?"

With a grunt, the mare lifted herself a bit, her tiny friend sliding down to the ground while a whine.

"Let me tell you a story my mother once told me."

"But I-"

"Just listen, Ji." Sylvi stated, grey eyes boring into the filly's like two clouded mirrors starting back at each other. "The tale is a short one, but one of importance. At least that is what my old herd's seer said. Now, in the old days where once was a herd that prospered upon blessed lands. The leader of this herd that three sons whom he loved with his entire heart, however he knew the three would have to start their own life if they wished to succeed in life. So, he instructed each son that they were to find a mate and court them, and at the end of the month to bring them back to the herd to be wed."

Sylvi paused to make sure Ji was paying attention. While the look on the filly's face seemed a tad skeptical, she looked to be listening intently, so the mare continued on.

"Well, the eldest son traveled to the north, and there he found a mare with a coat that shined as bright as the stars to court. The middle son traveled to the west, and there he found a stallion who set his heart ablaze whom he decided to court. The youngest son however, travelled to the east and found himself lost within a maze disguised as a forest. Lost and scared, the stallion stumbled along until he found a cat standing along the path. 'Good day, prince. What is someone like yourself doing wandering the forest?' it asked while approaching. 'My father has sent me to find a mate to bring back to the herd. However, I see no one I could possibly bring back within these lands. I fear I may return empty handed.' The prince's despair was evident in his voice, and it was this that tugged at the feline's heart. 'Hear me out young prince. Return to this spot tomorrow with a bouquet of flowers and I promise you will find a mate by your father's deadline.' "

"How it a cat supposed to help him find love?"

"Listen and you'll find out, Ji. Now," Sylvi smiled as she continued. "Skeptical, but having no alternatives, the youngest son agreed before returning to his land. That night he listened to the tales of his brothers' ventures. When questioned about his own adventure the youngest just smiled and stated they will learn of his love on the day of the wedding. So, he slept that night and then returned to the East with a bouquet of golden roses as promised. The feline quickly look the bouquet and go to work crafting a beautiful flower crown. 'Now, I will need you to return tomorrow with the softest cloth you can find to craft a veil for your bride.' 'How will a veil help me find my love?' the prince asked. 'Trust me, young prince.' the cat stated. 'Your bride's beauty will remain unknown for now, but once presented to your family you will see their beauty will be unmatched.' So, the prince returned home that night to hear of his brothers' adventures and still he insisted they will learn of his love on the day they are to be wed."

"So what happened next? Does he really get to meet his bride?"

"Hm, well, in a way, yes. You see, the prince did return to the cat with the softest and prettiest silk he could find. As told, the cat accepted the silk and fashioned a floral veil for the bride to be. Still, the prince remained confused. 'Will you tell me who my bride to be is?" Smiling, the cat carefully placed the veil down. 'Tomorrow is the day you and your brothers are to be wed, yes? As the sun starts to paint the sky you will find your bride waiting for you at the entrance to the ceremony. Do not worry. You won't be able to miss them.' The prince remained skeptical, but continue to follow the feline's words. The next morning the three brothers walked together down to the ceremony to find the air silent. Along the path sat the cat with the veil in hand. 'Cat, what are you doing here?' The cat, as always, smiled. 'Keeping my promise. I did promise you a bride did I not?' The prince and his brothers looked on in confusion, which quickly turned to horror. Placing the veil upon her head the cat transformed into a beast of beauty. A shifter of warm brown fur painted with black spots and stripes. Jewel green eyes and a fanged smile were the last things the brothers saw before the world turned black."

With that, Sylvi smiled down at the filly who stared up in horror and confusion. " What!?"

"Love is a special gift, Ji. Whether is be familial, romantic and a thing of friendship, it is a gift that is earned and that works in turn with trust. It is not something that should be forced or built off lies. But, like a beast, it is something that can quickly turn on you if not nurtured correctly. It takes work from everyone involved. So, while there is nothing wrong with wanting to love and be loved, it is not something you should rush or force."

[1,468 words]