Non-Staff Certist Rules/Guidelines:

• You may create your own certing thread in the certing subforum if you do certing for specific colorists.

• You may not take things from any other thread to cert unless directed by Kaineferu or Management. If that happens make sure you spoiler any posts of certing requests to show they have been completed and mark below them with a note that you did it.

• Unclanned Vampires and Non-Tribe Werewolves should NOT get specs from Clans or Tribes.


Tokens and Credits are no longer a thing. Below is just a loose guide to help people who don't know when it is appropriate to ask for stuff. This doesn't mean you need to keep a tally.

An example ratio of getting paid is as follows:
Certists: One Kat request for every Twenty-Five certs completed.

• You may only redeem your owed payment from the colorists you cert for. You may not color Kats for yourself or ask other colorists.

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