Hakuron was traveling through the lands when he got a message that he needed to return to his kingdom. He had not been wanting to turn around and go home this soon. He wanted to continue to wander the land and make new alliances.

But No, His father had wanted him home. 'Why do I need to go home? Why am I the one whos needed? Can't either of my brothers take care of whatever is going on?' He thought angrily to himself. He paced around the section of forest he had paused at. It seemed as though no one was around. He knew how uncouth it was for a prince to loose his temper, but he just needed to grab something and THROW IT. He picked up the nearest stick and threw it. He had told his friends and guards that he needed some time away from all of them and Shuu seemed to understand. They had been friends the longest, since Shuu did come find him from back home.

It wasn't that he didn't want to go back. He just wasn't ready to yet. He was just there about a month ago. Or was it two months? Regardless. He shook his head, he was just there!

"WHY IS EVERYTHING ON ME?!" He yelled out to the world. "It's not like I hadn't planned to go back eventually!! I DO TRY TO GO BACK OFTEN ENOUGH!!!" He yelled at the sky. It was his friend in this. He would never have expected that the message would come through, and for his father to use one of his brother's wolves. That just added more fuel to the fire. He kicked a rock this time, his hoof connecting and sending it flying into a tree. He got even angrier with himself when he realized how much of a temper tantrum he was having. His father's words rang through his mind. 'You should conduct yourself more elegantly... You have to be held to a higher standard than that.... you need to control your emotions more... You can't let others know what you're feeling, it could lead to a more serious problem down the road.... or panic....' he thought to himself 'Oh yes... wouldn't want a panic....' He rolled his eyes and stomped around, crushing whatever was around him. His claws dug into the ground as he raged. He screamed up at the sky. His tail lashing back and forth as he did so. He raged more and yelled out "I DIDN'T ASK TO BE THE CROWN PRINCE!!!" He picked up another fallen stick and threw it harder than the first. It bounced off a nearby bolder as it headed to the ground. "MY BROTHERS DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS!!!" He fumed a it more as he huffed and grumbled to himself.

He knew that he was being ridiculous. After all he could just escape again and run back off on his adventure. But it was more about his father and forcing him to come back home. Didn't his father realize that he was making alliances and trade agreements that would help Si Xiang? He would like to know more about this outside land and more about everything he can't experience within the confines of the Si Xiang lands. He knew everything there was to know about Si Xiang and he just, wanted more. He huffed to himself and threw himself to the ground dramatically. He pulled his wings in around himself as the guilt over his outrage ate at him from within his brain. He knew better than this. He should just go home and see what important matter his father had for him to deal with. He did know that if his father was calling him back that there had to be a good reason for it. After all, it would have taken the wolf weeks to find him, since he never stayed in the same place for very long anyways. It still did irritate him that he needed to go back, they had just reached a point where the never village was supposed to be super interesting.

He sighed to himself. "I guess I have given in to the anger and the rage long enough.... It's not like I can put this off much longer... My father will know that I did if I don't return home in a timely manner when Honovi's pet gets back..." He sighed again. The guilt seeping in deeper. "I shouldn't have gotten angry..... But Damn It.... Why now?!" He could still be irritated. He supposed he should let Shuu know that they would be going back home to visit for a while. He knew this wouldn't be the last time he was out here. He couldn't trap himself in the Si Xiang forever yet.

He looked around at the section of Forest he had his temper tantrum in. It was all kicked up, smashed back down, gouged, throw about, and looked like a raging bull had burst into it. He supposed he was similar to a raging bull when he was angry. This made him chuckle a bit and brought in a little bit of a brighter spirit. He usually could find the good side to things. He supposed he could see what his mother had caught in her menagerie this time, and see if anyone might need liberating. He laughed at the thought of his mother, where his father could push his buttons and anger him to no end, his mother was the sweetest and always either made him laugh or just made him happy.

He felt confident he could return to Shuu and his friends and let them know that their trip was more of a journey than expected, and would have a slight detour. Maybe they could hit one of the friendly villages on the way they had stopped at before. He enjoyed seeing friends and those he had met along the way. He was trying to make the trip into something fun, and he thought maybe, just maybe it was working.

He set off to find his friends in better spirits than when he had stormed off into this forest. It was a lovely forest and he was very grateful for the seclusion and privacy it provided him in his time of need.