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Meoquanee walked slowly through a mist wreathed forest. Her ears twitched nervously. Something wasn't right here. Tingles crawled eerily up her spine. She longed to call out for her mate, but knew if she made a noise something would find her. It was looking right now.

The mare went to shake her feathers only to realize that she didn't have her feathers. It made her stop and take further stock. Her tiny clawed feet were gone and only these weird hooves had replaced her feet. It was unsettling to be standing on only one toe that didn't have the flexibility that she was use to. Next she realized that her muzzle had also changed. Her eyes crossed as she tried to look at it. Her beautiful beak had vanished to be replaced by an ordinary muzzle she'd seen on so many others. What had happened to her?! Caesar would never recognize her in this state!

She froze. Something stirred deep within the heart of the forest.

Meo could feel it deep in her soul. The breath of a soquili snorting, the air fogging before its muzzle. The eager stamp of a hoof on the forest floor. The glow of unnatural eyes that hungered. Unconsciously, she moved her hoof and a twig snapped under it. The hunt was on! Knowing they were coming for her, Meo could only turn and run blindly ahead. She weaved in and out among the trees. Where was Caesar? He would protect her! She thought she could sense him somewhere ahead but always out of reach. Meo wanted to cry out and call for him to wait for her, but the words were stuck in her throat.

She stumbled on her unfamiliar hooves and almost went down to her knees. Somehow she climbed back to her hooves and ran on. Her mane and tail streaming out behind her as her normal ones never could. Meo wanted to look back, but knew she dared not. How close were they? Yards away? Or only feet? She could hear the pounding of heavy hooves echo among the trees. Which way were they coming from? The tiny mare couldn't tell for sure and she could only hope she wasn't heading directly towards them.

Her breath started to come shorter and shorter. Muscles started to tell her that soon she would have to stop. Meo pushed herself on. She bashed her shoulder on a tree as she collided on it and bounced off. Her skin oozed droplets of red that dripped down her pelt and onto the forest floor. A short while later an eerie howl rose and fell, rose and fell. They smelled the blood in the air and were hot on her trail.

Sheer terror filled her. There was no way they would loose the scent now. They would continue to hunt her until the very end. She couldn't sense Caesar anymore. It was only her and those who hunted her through this endless forest. Desperately Meo looked around for a place to hide. There was nothing but forest floor and trees that reached high above her and covered the night sky. No nooks or crannies or rocks that a tiny pony could squeeze herself into.

She stumbled, going to her knees for an instant before scrambling back to her hooves. Her breath ragged in her throat. Muscles burning with every step she took. How long had she been running? Meoquanee knew they were catching up. Her steps were slowing as she reached the end of the strength. Caesar wouldn't have run she knew. He would have faced them head on. There was nothing she could do now. This was the end.

The tiny mare stumbled to a clearing and collapsed. Sides heaving as she tried to draw her last few breaths. Eyes open? Eyes closed? Did she really want to see what was about to come upon her and rip her limb from limb? She trembled trying not to think about it. Even with her eyes closed the chilling presence entering the clearing was palpable. She shivered not just from exhaustion. Hoof steps slowly circled around her. She was completely surrounded.

Meo slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the large ponies surrounding her. They came in many varieties; each more terrifying than the previous. Finally her eyes rested upon the large creature standing in position at her head. A sound filled the clearing and then her head.

'Well done little mare. You have given us a wonderful Hunt,' the voice spoke into her mind as the pony's eyes glowed green. 'As your reward we grant you this boon.' The pony lowered his head and as they touched noses a bright light flashed.

Meo flailed her legs as her nest bedding went flying in all directions. She panted heavily as though she'd been running for a very long time and her body was drenched with sweat. Lightning flashed again as she shivered. Dream? She wasn't totally sure.

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