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Write me a fairytale with a twist!.You can write it as though it's happening now, as though it's being acted out, as though it's a story being told, or anything else creative you can come up with. But there must be a TWIST!

Rozemary had found a really heavy book which seemed to be filled with fairytales and she was bringing the book home. She had been trotting around the whole day trying to find something interesting to do. This is when she found a really friendly fellow that started to tell her some stories. The first story was a fairytale and she really loved the story. She asked the friendly stranger when he learned all those stories. Where did they come from she had asked him and he showed her a few books and said this was where he got his tales from. He had several of the same books and wanted her to keep this one which she was now caring home. She wanted to know all the stories of this book. But she had to learn them tomorrow as it was already really late so she was going to sleep as soon as she got home. It didn’t take her long to see her home and she sleepy walked back in. Time for her to go to sleep but first she had to put the book somewhere. She carefully but the book on a branch and got ready to go to sleep.

It was hard for her to actually fall asleep as she kept thinking about the fairytale book and was curious about the stories in there. She wanted to read some now but it was simply to late. She was surely going to fall asleep half way in a story. So she decided it was better to go to sleep right now. And after a while she finally fell asleep.

Things where suddenly really different as she was now standing in an unknown forest and saw a beautiful white mare she had never seen before. But she sure was pretty with bright sky blue eyes and a snow white body with blonde manes and tail. She was curious to see who this mare was. She realized half that she was dreaming but she still wanted to learn more. She walking inside an small wooden home and instantly realized that the lived here. She saw 7 little Usdia that where even smaller than normal and the greeted her really friendly. They seemed to know here pretty well and lived here with her. She looked around and didn’t see the beautiful mare anywhere anymore but she quickly realized why. She saw her reflection in one of the tiny windows and she was now that mare! “This is actually really nice" she thought to herself “I’m very pretty now.” She really liked that but also wanted to know what was going to happen next.

Suddenly the scene changed as she was now somewhere else and looking at something different. It was as if she wasn’t there herself but she was just seeing what was going on. She saw another beautiful mare but now a dark one and she didn’t look to friendly. She was talking to what seemed to be one of the little Usdia and she was talking in an angry tone. “You need to kill that mare that lives with your group!” She heard the other mare say. “She is way to beautiful and I NEED to be the most beautiful of them all!” the evil mare said. Snow white (that seemed to be her name now) hoped that the little Usdia would refuse to do that but he actually promised to kill her. “What, NO!” Snow White screamed unable to understand why the little one would betray her. As far as she remembered she was always good to them and they good to her. What was going on?

She suddenly was back and the small wooden house again and everyone was working and walking around as if nothing happened. Even the one who had just promised to kill her was acting friendly towards her. Really strange. But that changed when that Usdia suddenly had a dagger pointed at her. “You always act nicer to the other 6 he said jealously” and came closer to her with the weapon while Snow White slowly walked away from him. “If I kill you the Queen will make me rich she promised!” he shouted at her. He was really sure she never liked him and this was the right thing to do. But luckily the other 6 didn’t agree with him at all. The grabbed the weapon and told him to leave. He was not welcome here anymore at all! He was never allowed to return.

The scene changed again. She was now standing outside with the remaining 6 Usdia right behind her. The 7th one had left and was indeed never coming back. But now the other mare was standing in front of her really angry. She wanted to kill Snow White herself now because the little Udsia wasn’t going to do so. However she didn’t come far as an really brave and strong stallion had appeared to save her. It was a prince that had heard of her and wanted to mary her. He didn’t want the other mare to harm her and kicked the evil mare of a cliff. Snow White didn’t know if the Queen survived or not but she was happy to be save now and thanked the handsome male. He looked a lot like her but was completely blonde with green eyes and had a good build. The prince asked Snow white to marry him but she refused. She wanted to stay with the little Usdia who had taking good care of her for years. She wanted to stay there and look after them. Return what they had given her al those years. The stallion understood and accepted that and left while also being sad. It was going to be Snow White and the 6 Usdia from now on.

Suddenly Rozemary woke up from a loud sound. She was back in her home again and herself. The dream had ended and she was Rozemay again what was totally fine for her. She looked where the sound had come from and saw the fairytale book on the ground. It had been to heavy for the branch and it had fallen of. Her dream had probably been a mix of some of the stories in that book she was pretty sure of it. It has been a mix of different fairytales she knew and she wasn’t sure if she liked the original stories better or the one in her dream. She decided she liked her dream better as it was special and her own version. She was going to find a better spot for the book tomorrow as she was going back to sleep now as it was still in the middle of the night. She soon fell asleep again and this time she slept really quiet without any strange dreams.

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