xxxC O R Exxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxASTRONOMY ~ Txxx
              ■ Astronomy or astrology - Ben couldn't tell you which class he was in. Space was boring and vapid, and this class was not worth his time.

          xxxCHARMS ~ EExxx
              ■ Although Ben was focused on doing well in class, his wand still managed to act up on occasion. Unfortunately, he did not do as well as he had hoped all thanks to his wand that, after all these years, still seemed to have a mind of its own.

              ■ Benjamin is very driven and focused, and with the help of his aspen wand, he views himself as pretty much a master when it comes to dueling and defending oneself in a duel. It was no surprise that he did so well.

          xxxHERBOLOGY ~ Dxxx
              ■ Benjamin didn't [i[hate getting down and dirty - in fact, he liked doing so if he was out on the Quidditch pitch. However, he didn't particularly enjoy participating in Herbology, so he didn't quite often. His disinterest explains his grade.

          xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC ~ Oxxx
              ■ Ben's interest in history and old relics has really allowed his mind to be captivated in class. Reading the textbook taught him about stories as old as time, and they were absolutely fascinating to him.

          xxxPOTIONS ~ EExxx
              ■ Although Ben was focused on doing well in class, his wand still managed to act up on occasion. Unfortunately, he did not do as well as he had hoped all thanks to his wand that, after all these years, still seemed to have a mind of its own.

          xxxTRANSFIGURATION ~ Oxxx
              ■ Being very driven and focused has aided him once again, and with the help of his pliable wand, he was able to do very well.

xxxE L E C T I V E Sxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxART~ Axxx
              ■ It seemed that Ben enjoyed and appreciated art more than he was actually good at it. He was sure that Professor Hawthorne had only passed him so he could still take the class if he wanted to.

          xxxMUGGLE STUDIES ~ Axxx
              ■ Ben was a halfblood, but his household was rather magical one would say. He probably should have spent more time studying, but he still passed.

          xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES ~ Oxxx
              ■ Another captivating class, teaching students about the past long before they were even a glimmer in their mother's eyes. Ben studied quite diligently and passed with flying colours.

          xxxWANDLORE STUDIES ~ Axxx
              ■ Ben found wandlore to be somewhere between mediocre and interesting. Understanding wands, especially his own, was helpful. However, learning about each type of core and wood and how they interacted together was beyond his interests. He managed to pass but he wasn't sure he'd be taking this class again.

          xxxWIZARD LAW ~ EExxx
              ■ Not an uninteresting class, but it sure had a lot of information. Ben studied quite a bit for this one and managed to do pretty well.