Joe Feeney: Alright guys, so next I just wanted to get your opinion on the recent wave of violence that's been spreading throughout America at the hand of the 21 Sons. We had flare ups in Kentucky, Illinois, I'm talking fights, riots, nasty stuff. Obviously, we already talked about it on the main show but I just wanted to give you an update. You know that DJ Killa Kyle kid?

Disco Inferno:
Oh yeah, I heard about this. Konnan, did you hear about this?

Konnan: No, I've been busy with other s**t. What happened.

Joe Feeney: Apparently DJ Killa Kyle recently put out a video taking credit for the attacks. Says it's in retaliation for the Tik Tok ban, says that if they're taking food off of his table. The police put out a press release saying that they think it's a hoax, probably a PR stunt by the label to drum up publicity for his next album. Problem is a lot of his fans believed him and now there's copycat crimes--

Disco Inferno: Jesus, what a mess. Just goes to show what a clown shown this country has turned into. That's really not the kind of publicity The Midnight Marauders or WWFG want right now.

Konnan: Plus, you know my problem with this DJ Killa Kyle kid is he's a fake tough guy. There's a lot of those in wrestling, ya digg? Guy likes to flash his money, act hard and rep the streets. Well, I know people where he's from and they don't even know who he is and that's a shoot. You ain't a real g, busta or crip and you sure as hell ain't black, jack. BOOM!

Disco Inferno: Well let me tell you something, I know Summers, he comes by the club sometimes. And he's loyal to his guys. Up to a point. But at a certain point they can't protect this kid. I mean the boss has got Netflix deals, he's got the Lakers training camp coming up, so what if he isn't booked on some mark wrestling show? We all know there's no real money in wrestling anymore anyways, the only company making any money is CWF. The investors know it. The people in the business know it. For awhile you had people like First Class sticking around, trying to suck the last bit of life out of the thing--

Joe Feeney: Yeah well maybe that's for the best. Dean Johnson had all the momentum in the world last year and now look at him, sidelined like so many others. And now it feels like every other day there's another conflicting report about Portia's Visa status. I mean, on paper you've got a lot of the big power players in WWFG being put out to pasture. Someone has to step up, right?

Disco Inferno: Yeah, but who, Joe? Hiro can barely walk these days and the guy stil thinks he can main event. Matt Gennison obviously is the next big thing but I can't imagine WWFG is any more than a stepping stone for him. And do we even need to bring up what's going on behind closed doors with Apex?

Konnan: Better leave that one be, DI. I have the feeling we've just seen the tip of the iceberg as far as they go. All I'll say is that it's no wonder why the Damones don't want to want anything to do with this dumpster fire of a company. The belts have been completely devalued. No one likes eachother. It's now sitting at a clear #3 behind CWF and now DHW. And these Apex guys are supposed to be the ones that bring order and justice to the company? They can't even get on the same page. I don't buy it. I don't buy this company. The product sucks. And, quite frankly, WWFG, in the year 2024, is going to have to get the kazoo.