Corey Cartwright walks down a corridor loosening his tie as he walks toward his limo as an interviewer rushes to catch up with him.

Cole: "Corey, moments ago, you were denied an opportunity at the WWFG European Championship, currently held by your brother, the owner Cartwright. What are your thoughts?"

Corey stops to compose himself, his anger obvious.

Corey: "Steven, you ripped Cartwright Strong Style from under me. You've pissed our legacy down the toilet and now you're still too much of a bottle job to face me in the ring for that European Championship. That's okay, you mug. I hope Trent gives you everything you deserve in your little sporting match. But someday, you're gonna have to stop running from your big brother and face up to what's owed you, Stevey, yeah? I can wait a bit longer to have it out with you, and when I do, I'll show you who truly embodies Cartwright Strong Style, because brother mine... yer arse is mine."