As Fastlane ends, the tron flickers to life and shows a ring surrounded by razor wire. In the middle of the ring, an empty chair waits. The sound of soft footsteps are heard and a small cheer is heard as Thelka Mandl appears and takes a seat in the chair. She calmly looks around at her surroundings before she addresses the camera

"Emiko, it was always going to be this way wasn't it? The two of us dragging each other through the wicked lonely broken streets of Hell. Now you know battle, the last time you were in such a battle, it took a cadre of EMTs and medical personal to bring you back from the brink. But that, like my prior match with your "friend" Eliza, that was purely business.

This is different. This is personal. You robbed me of my crown...belittled me at every turn, had your fun at my expense. And now you want to go to war with a true demon, the most dangerous thing a mortal can do. But according to you, you are no such thing. But how long has it been since your demon came to life? That was a question I needed answered. Because you were this close, you were right there. All you needed was one last little push. And I realized that I would have to go to new extremes if I wanted to bring out the monster that I know existed in you."

"Oni, at Wrestlemania, inside this cathedral of misery, two monsters will enter. But on that night, it will not matter which monster has the sharpest teeth or the longest claws because one thing will remain the same: they do not love you anymore

So paint your face, wear your mask, speak in riddles. Leave Emiko at home. Leave Miss. E at home. Do whatever you have to do to summon your demon. But just remember, unlike you I don't need to summon my demon. It's always just have to look

Her reflection changed until it became ghostly pale with obscure symbols scrawled upon them before the screen went black.