WWFG would have a great night at Wrestlemania. Showcasing record high numbers for the year when they would have a multitude of great matches take place and settle a lot of the rivalries that had culminated over the year.

One of those matches would be the first defense for the European Championship that was gifted to the Chairman of WWFG by Chronos. Since then, having no recorded defenses until Wrestlemania where Cartwright would go one on one against Apex member Trent. This being their first one on one exchange since their huge blow out at Summerslam. The match being contested under European Championship Rules with a Special Guest Official that would be Rosario.

Quite the predicament for Trent, but Trent would end up finding offense in between the cracks in what seemed to be a hopeless endeavor.

Despite the offense, it did prove to be a hopeless endeavor in the end as just when it seemed Trent was on the cuffs of victory, the entirety of Cartwright Strong Style would interject themselves into the match and put Trent down for good. Ending the exchange with a Burning Hammer special maneuver from Cartwright that would end the match.

Trent would be stretchered out and checked on by medical professionals in the back as soon as the match had concluded. Reports coming in now are stating that Trent had suffered a concussion as well as a fracture along the spinal column. Further information has not been released since the incident.

At this time, we would like to wish Trent well in his recovery and hope he can make a return in the near future with no complications.