User ImageName: Mason Black
Nick Name: The Rider
Ht/Wt: 6'4 320lbs
Hometown: Detroit Michigan
Entrance Music: Omerta-Lamb Of God
Entrance Moves:
Appearance: tall tan with runic tattoos across his chest an back he wears red an black motorcycles pants with a red an black leather jacket underneath is a slayer t-shirt
Common Moves: Powerbomb, snap ddt, running powerslam
Signature Moves: sister Abigail ( The long ride )
Finisher: Jackhammer ( Road Rash)
Gimmick: ex outlaw biker who is now just trying to survive he's now just trying to do the right thing
Alignment: tweener
Match Type Expertise: cage, extreme rules, HIaC
Match Type Weakness: ironman, ladders, submissions
Weapon Expertise: crowbar, bat, chair
Division: heavy weight
Title History: none
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