I know the guild seems pretty deserted but in the off chance there are still members that occasionally check for new posts, I wanted to post this in a more private place to hopefully reduce homophobic/transphobic people from seeing it.

I'm pretty nervous about Project 2025 because of how all-encompassing it is. I've already relocated from my old state in the South because they were very quickly getting rid of all kinds of rights, and some of their laws could actually result in my death. For example, medical professionals are allowed to refuse caring for an LGBT person just in general unless it's deemed an emergency. The bill just says it's allowed if it's against the provider's conscience, not that it actually has to be a procedure related to the patient being LGBT or anything related to the reproductive system. This means that any health issue could potentially be neglected to be treated until it becomes life threatening. The abortion cases in neighboring states have also proven that providers really would be willing to wait the absolute last minute if the laws allowed them to, and that was with married straight women who wanted to be mothers. This could be something otherwise apolitical instead like treating an infection or a heart issue.

Project 2025 is like that, but nationwide and all encompassing. There are hundreds of pages of what their plans actually are and it goes beyond just being anti-LGBT and anti-women's rights. They are a major focus, but not the only focus. The plan is to essentially change the way everything works in the government. If even a small amount of these things become reality, the US will be a very oppressive place to live in.