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Reply Teepees
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:27 pm

Welcome to the home of Bi7 and her soquili!

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Tempest Gale's Stats

User Image
Birdy's stats
Speed: %6
Intelligence: %7
Luck: %8

User Image
Cirocco's stats
Strength: 17%
Courage: 20%
Speed: 18%
Intelligence: 17%
Luck: 22%
Stamina: 21%

User Image
Orange Blossom's stats
Strength: %5
Speed: %8
Intelligence: %8
Stamina: %7

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Melancholy's stats
Courage: %8
Speed: %7
Intelligence: %8
Stamina: %8

User Image
Papilleon's stats
Courage: %8
Speed: %4
Luck: %7
Stamina: %6

User Image
Tsunami's stats
Strength: %6
Courage: %4
Luck: %7
Stamina: %5

User Image
Tremere's stats
Strength: %6
Courage: %8
Speed: %7
Intelligence: %6
Luck: %4
Stamina: %9

User Image
Malkavian's stats
Strength: %9
Speed: %8
Intelligence: %7
Luck: %5
Stamina: %5

User Image
Helena's stats
Speed: %6
Intelligence: %5
Luck: %8

User Image
Willow's stats
Strength: "
Courage: "
Speed: !
Stamina: 15%

The Teepee
They all live at the beach!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:59 pm

User Image
Name: Tempest Gale
Gender: Male
Type: Tribal
Temper: Savage
Status: Confuseing
Owner: Bly
Familiar: Sleet
Bio: --

Romance: --

Offspring: Torrent, Tsunami, Temperance

Family: On the otherside of the mountains, he has left his herd behind. He does not talk about them often, not wanting to tell to much and give away their locations, incase someone should attack while he is away. Amonge the herd there may even be some blood relatives of his... but it would probably be hard to get that information from him.

User Image
Name: Sleet
Gender: Female
Type: Racoon
Temper: Greedy
Status: Attached to Tempest
Bio: Sleet was rescued by a human when she desided it would be a good idea to steal the supply of corn from a village of humans. She isnt realy a bad littel coon, but she is exceptionally greedy, and will steel anything from you the moment you take your eyes off of it. She is sweet, but dosnt realy talk. She is capable of speach, but usualy displays her emotions and ideas to Tempest by chirps and sqeaks. She is sweet realy, but is a littel.... off.

Family: No one knows.

User Image
Name: Tsunami
Gender: Female
Type: 2nd Gen
Temper: Wild
Status: Single
Familiar: Sleet
Bio: Tsunami is a very wild child, as a child she would pull her sister into some rather unfavorable events that gave her father a heart attack. She seemed to not understand the concept of getting hurt, and even now as an adult she seems to feel as though the worst cant happen to her, that she wont get hurt no matter how daring the stunt. It seems that she wants to put her parents into the grave early from a stress related death >.>

Romance: --

Family: Tempest Gale (father) Catori (mother) Torrent (brother) Temperance (sister)

*RP Log*
Caught In The Storm ( Tsunami & Limdur )


Magical Shapeshifter

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Magical Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:00 pm

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Name: Birdy
Gender: Female
Type: Thaiwanese Stained Glass Bird
Temper: Crazy
Status: Mated
Familiar: None
Bio: Birdy is well.... a bird. Her basket was abandoned -no one knows why or if her parents did it intentionaly- shortly after she was born. When she emerged she found herself on a small little island ( easily within swimming distance of the mainland ) inhabited only by birdys and other small creatures. The island was lush and filled with peacfull creatures. Haveing a coat similar to that of the local song birds, and haveing never seen a horse before, she naturaly thought she was a bird who had been cursed to not have wings. She does not speak the common soquili tounge, but the chirps and trills of a birdy, happily singing her emotions to the world around her.

After growing to adult-hood she desided that sence several species of birds migrated to the mainland and then out of her sight durring the summer that she would follow. She was small but she could manage the swim to the aminland. and when she did she encountered several odd four legged creatures with no wings and oddly colored feathers. Little did she know that these were actually horses, just like her. She met several stallions and mares. The first she ever met was a Unicorn stallion, sporting spiked blond hair and a trench coat. He quickly became her best friend, listening with an amused look to her chirps and songs.

A while after she came to the mainland she had a short romantic fling so to speak with a stallion named Misfortune. While there was no true love between the two, the event gave rise to the truth about Spike and Birdys feelings for each other. Now they are all but Insperable.....

Romance: Happily mated to the love of her life Spike.
Trying to start a family! 8D
Spike: O-O What now?!?

Offspring: none.

*RP Log*
A Little Birdy Told Me ( Spike & Birdy )
Lover's Walk ( Spike & Birdy )


PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:04 pm

User Image
Name: Fantôme
Meaning: French for "Spirit"
Gender: Male
Type: Ghost Morpho Butterfly
Temper: Mysterious
Mate: Vue Sang
Familiar: Taranis
Bio: Fantome is the Head of the Cradle island herd. He recently came to the island with the rest of the herd, assuming his son cirocco had failed in his goal to find a new home and return to them safely. He is currently unaware that cirocco has fallen in love with a mare and has sence started his family, in all honestly he belives his son to have died. It has always been common knowledge that Cirocco would be mated to another butterfly of the herd and produce more children, so it was not even a thought that cirocco might have started a family.

He is the calm, quiet, collected half to his mate Vue Sang. He rarely speaks, and is always a source for wisdom if he feels you you are in need of it.

Family: Cirocco ( Son ) Mittrei ( Daughter ) Vue Sang ( Mate ) Marcellin ( Grandon ) Papilleon ( Grandson ) Luciole ( Grandaughter )

User Image
Name: Cirocco
Meaning: Italian for "Ancient Wind"
Gender: Male
Type: Madagascar Moon Moth
Temper: Mystic
Mate: Naina Julianna Bella Morte
Familiar: Taranis
Bio: Cirocco is the eldest son of the ruling herd from L'île d'Ailes, Also known as the Island of wings. This small tropical island several miles off shore is known for its soquili who have grown to mimic the butterflys on the island. The island is unique in the fact that its only inhabitants are are birds, soquili, the massive population of butterfly's, and a singular engeni, who ledgend said came to this island with the flutters to gaurd their new home, and when the wings dissapeared from their backs, to gaurd their children. To the original soquili it was known as " cradle island " due to the fact that butterfly's would swarm the island to lay their eggs, but the name has long been forgotten to the recent generations of soquili.

The first soquili to ever come to the island was a small herd of flutters. Though as the generations bred on the wings slowly disappeared into the genetics of the island, until many many generations later the soquili had evolved to match the butterfly's of the island, the intricate wings and patterns of their flutter ancestors shimmering on the sides of their body's instead fluttering wings. While this did not immediately affect the current population, it effectively trapped them on the island. Only the strongest of swimmers could brave the journey through the miles of swift channeled ocean water to the mainland. But since there was everything they needed on their tropical paradise, guarded by their angeni, what else could they need? The effectively had an eden all to themselves.

Though, many winters ago, another traveler came to the island. His wings were black, stark and threatening to the tropical and lush surroundings. Across his back was tied a cape of feathers, a black beaked cap perched atop his head. The herds were terrorfied, this haunting stranger coming to their shores, brooding like a coming storm. Though their gaurdian, their angeni, welcomed all with an open heart. This enraged the stranger for some reason, the angenis beauty makeing him sick and angry. A few days after his arrival, a horrific event happened, that would change their peacefully little island forever. To their dismay, the soquili, with his wings so much like their angeni, burst into a fit of feathers and dust, rising from the smoke a giant hawk, black as the soquili he once was.

He attacked eaving, the beautiful guardian of their island, nearly killing her, and as he left he said that she would be like him, forever, so that he would no longer be alone, no longer be the only one of his kind... even if she hated him.

The Angeni healed, but something in her was broken, she attacked and bit those who tried to dress her wounds. The mare who helped her had once been her aprentance of sort, eaving teaching her the ways of healing and herbs. Soft spoken and gentle she would not leave her teaching, fearing the ferocity of the attack had put her into some sort of shock that caused her to fear those around her.

Tragedy struck, and what little bit left of eavings sanity was lost forever. She erupted in a torrent of feathers and shimmering powder. rising from the ashes a giant iridescent hawk, who attacked and killed her pupil, leaving her and her newborns dead and torn. She took off into the sky, from that moment on attacking the herd, trying to eliminate them one by one. Her prey of choice being the young mothers and pregnant mares, that having been her first ever kill.

Ciroccos parents ruled during this time of tragedy, His mother being heavily pregnant with their first child ( Cirocco ). His mother was hidden away with the rest of the pregnant mares until she had given birth, even then the children were only let out at night and only for short periods of time. eaving was all white and shimmering, so she glowed in the night sky like a ghost, easily seen by even those with poor vision. This went on for many years. Cirocco was a grown man now, and the youthful mares of the once powerful herd had been dwindled down to a few, all of the young and those of breeding age having been picked off.

When ciroccos mother became pregnant again, and of all the things the child was born a flutter ( Mittrei ), tiny and delicate even more so then the normal foals, the recessive flutter genes shining dominant in their little princess, the decision's was made to try and flee the island. The strongest of the herd was chosen to brave the waters and find a new home for them, then return to lead them to this new land. Cirocco made it to the mainland, this new world strange to him with its odd plants and strangely colored soquili. To his dismay he found that this land was not only plagued with skinwalkers, but over run with them and other deadly creatures such as kalona. He set out to find somewhere were his herd could live in peace, but sadly it seemed that their once eden was the only one of its kind.

On his journeys he came across a mare, small and blue with curling black hair. Her name was Naina, and seeing her crying he stayed by her and tried to ease her aching heart. slowly but surely cirocco fell in love with this little mare of his. Loveing her with all of his heart, he soon found out that she was being stalked by a skinwalker, a story that hit close to home and heart, which rekindled his need to find a safe haven for his loved ones.

Inevitably Naina became pregnant, three lovely children being brought into the world, his and his loves shining joy..... he wondered what his parents would think when they met them all....

Family: Mittrei ( Sister ) Naina Julianna Bella Morte ( Mate ) Marcellin ( Son ) Papilleon ( Son ) Luciole ( Daughter )

*RP Log*
Of Moths and Butterflys ( Cirocco And Naina )
A Bit More Then Chewable ( Cirocco and Naina )
Mothers and Butterflys ( Cirocco, Naina & Foals )

User Image
Name: Papilleon (Nickname = Leon )
Mean: French for " Butterfly "
Gender: Male
Type: 2nd Gen
Temper: Protective
Status: Mated to Little Bit
Familiar: Taranis

Romance: Happily, if not awkwardly, in love with his best friend.
( Probably because she stole his necklace >.> )

Family: Mittrie ( Aunt ) Cirocco ( Father ) Naina Julianna Bella Morte ( Mother ) Marcellin ( Brother ) Luciole ( Sister )

*RP Log*
Mothers and Butterflys ( Papilleon, Siblings & Parents )
Age Of The Butterflys ( Papilleon & Papillon )

-Kenyas banner comeing-
Name: Kenya
Mean: Hebrew for "Animal Horn"
Gender: Male
Type: Kenyan Salamis Butterfly
Temper: Protective
Status: ??
Familiar: None
Bio: --

*RP Log*
We Got Lions! ( Kenya & Lovelee )


Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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Magical Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:13 pm

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Name: Orange Blossom
Means: ....Orange Blossom XD
Gender: Female
Type: Cosplay
Temper: Maternal
Status: Is a mother y0! 8D Has a close relationship with Misfortune, the father of her children, but they are not mates.
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Hmmm....

Family: Melancholy & Fern ( Sons )

*RP Log*
Far From The Grove ( Orange Blossom & Althalus )
Where's the grass? ( Mahavir and Orange Blossom )

User Image

Name: Melancholy
Means: sober thoughtfulness; pensiveness.
Gender: Male
Type: 4nd Gen
Temper: --
Status: Single
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Single

Family: Orange Blossom ( Mother ) Misfortune ( Father ) Fern ( Brother )
*Rp Log*
I've Got Flowers On My Butt! D8 ( Melancholy & Zara )
Our Family Grows ( Samedi & Chaos Lineage )
What an odd group we are! ( Taja, Scythe, Melancholy )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:16 pm

User Image
Name: Legolas
Means: Ultimately sexy elf.
Gender: Male
Type: Lord Of The Rings Cosplay
Temper: --
Status: Mated
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Mated to Lady Requiem


*RP Log*
And I Say Hello ( Legolas & Lady Requiem )
Looking For The Mate ( Legolas & Lady Requiem )
Definately not Alliance ( Tai'jin and Legolas )
Winter greetings ( Calantha and Legolas )
Mystic Pines ( Marahute and Legolas )

User Image
Name: Ithildin
Means: The Moon and Stars
Gender: Male
Type: Fluttercorn
Temper: --
Status: Single
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: ??

*RP Log*
New Beginings ( Ithildin & Lady )
I'm Pleasantly Suprised ( Clara & Ithildin )

-Lord Reliquary Goes Here-


Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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  • Somebody Likes You 100


Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:59 pm

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Name: Bullet Through A Flock Of Doves
Means: --
Gender: Female
Type: Angeni of Sacrifice
Temper: Forgiving
Status: Taken
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: In love with the shaman known as Abrion

Family: -to be filled out -

User Image

Name: Deirdre
Means: She Who Chatters
Gender: Female
Type: 2nd Gen
Temper: Independant
Status: Single
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: --

Family: -to be filled out -
PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:59 pm

User Image

Name: Tremere
Means: Vampire
Gender: Male
Type: 2nd Gen
Temper: Mystic
Status: Is a foal
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Is a foal

Family: Zephyr ( Father ) Squalla ( Mother ) Balli ( Sister ) Elila ( Sister ) Samedi ( Sister ) Nvwoti ( Sister ) Mistortune ( Nephew ) Rigor Mortis ( Nephew ) Mayhen ( Nephew ) Malkavian ( Neice ) Pandemonium ( Neice ) Salubri ( Neice )

User Image
Name: Malkavian
Means: Insane Vampire
Gender: Female
Type: 3rd Gen
Temper: Unstable
Status: Is a Foal
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: is a foal

Family: Zephyr ( grandfather ) Kamaria ( grandmother ) Chaos 9 Father ) Samedi ( Mother ) Nvwoti ( Aunt ) Tremere ( Uncle ) Elila ( Aunt ) Balli ( Aunt ) Misfortune ( Uncle ) Rigor Mortis ( Uncle ) Mayhem ( Uncle ) Pandamonium ( Sister ) Salubri ( Sister )

*Rp Log*
Our Family Grows ( Samedi & Chaos Lineage )


Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:36 pm

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Name: Helena
Means: Light
Gender: Female
Type: Cosplay
Temper: Dramatic
Status: Unknown
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: ...this is difficult. She has a bond to Ringleader, the head of the black parade, but she is not his.


Bullet Through A Flock Of Doves's Post

*RP Log*
Why Would You Listen? ( Helena x Samael )
The End. ( Helena & Ringleader )

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:37 pm

User Image
Name: Willow
Means: Willow
Gender: Female
Type: Cosplay
Temper: Meek
Status: Single
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Single


*RP Log*
When First We Met ( Willow x Limdur )


Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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Magical Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:47 pm

Raina Goes here

Eaving Goes here
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:48 pm

User Image

Name: Hati
Gender: Female
Type: Luna Moth
Temper: Wise
Status: No one realy knows....
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Skoll??

Offspring: None

Family: Unknown

RP Log: Visions ( Hati, Skoll, & ??? )

User Image

Name: Skoll
Gender: Male
Type: Okapi
Temper: Protective
Status: No one realy knows....
Familiar: None
Bio: --

Romance: Hati?

Offspring: None

Family: Unknown

RP Log:
Visions ( Hati, Skoll, & ??? )


Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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Magical Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:49 pm

Doyle's Post

Frost's Post

London's Post
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:50 pm

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Magical Shapeshifter

8,725 Points
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Magical Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:51 pm

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