Due to the Complexity of Siegfried's proposed outfit should I change it to outfit number 2? *see first post* |
Keep him in the armor! Yum! A knight in shining armor! <3 |
53% |
[ 8 ] |
Put him in outfit numbah 2! He's too sexy for his armor! <3 |
46% |
[ 7 ] |
Total Votes : 15 |
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:28 pm
Remodeling xD
Here's outfit number two for Siegfried...possibly:
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:30 pm
The Regular Soquili Quests
coming soon. <3
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:31 pm
The Rare Soquili Quests HaYouDidntKillme!! .:Edited Uni Soquili:. Colorist wanted: Anyone one of the colorists who is willing to do it. Name of horse: Siegfried Schtauffen Owner: HaYouDidntKillMe!! Gender: Male Temper (one word for horse's personality): Condemned Breed: Cosplay Description(eye color/hair color/hair style etc): I like the Soul Calibur III version of him so…I would like him to have long blond hair, light pale skin color for coat, scar over eye, his eyes appear to be a hazel-ish green color, correct me if I’m wrong. >.< His horn will be silver and gold or just plain silver (hasn't decided). <3 Reference Image(s): Webpage 01
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult Default accessory color(s)?:silver with gold trim Tag Frame color: silver and gold Tag Feather color: n/a Hair/Clothing edits: I like his Soul Calibur 3 III costume the best so I would rather it look like it. It would have a dark green under-part, then the plates would be silver with gold trim like on the armor and goldish orange feathers on the shoulders. You can add the torn red cape if you want, that’s optional. (see reference) Hair can be done however the colorist desires, it can be a standard long hair style or a completely custom one. Well, this is the rough idea of what I want him to look like. <33 If I remember right, editted unis are 2 mil+. Please tell me if I've been mistaken. <3
Other Quests to Possibly Embark On: Whiz and Player! <3
Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:32 pm
Current Funds, Donators and Art! Oh my! ;D
Current funds: 23878 gold...havent updated this in a while. xD
Donators: 1.Ichigo yin- 7000 gold heart 2. 3. 4. 5.
All donators receive free soquili fanart/horse related art. They may get more than one piece...
Waiting List for Fan-arts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:58 pm
Open for posts! Yay! *confetti*
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:22 pm
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:33 pm
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:40 pm
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:43 pm
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:34 am
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:47 pm
w00t w00t for Sigy! ...we need to set up a mare page now XD
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:18 pm
xD Yes! Yay for Sigy! I can't wait till I complete the quest...it may be a long while, but it'll be worth the wait. <3
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:46 pm
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:32 am
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:09 pm