in this role play it is set in a sar wars type enviroment
but this is melenia before a lightsaber is crafted which means the closest thing to it is a vibro blade
what has happend is a new order known as the jedi order has takne over this is before they came to their senses and started to help
their one and only goal is complete and total destruction to those who dont bend over to their will
they can use some force powers such as push heal and vibro blade throw but others are not fully developed
please put this in when you join and i will put it in witht he other characters

name:(what youd like to be called)
image/ description:(yes you can use tektek or google it)(if you put a description please make it cover what he/she looks like)
weapon:(yes you can use your favorite weapon but remember no light sabers)
abilitys:(what can they do such as persuade anybodie to do anything? can sneak into a military base un noticed? use your imagination but please dont make them too good or atleast add some weaknesses to balance them out)
bio:(put a bit about them in this space such as what they do what they like their age where they learned from who they learned from ect)