Hi everyone! Thanks for the invite ot join your guild. I do not know who specifically invited me, but hey, I checked your guild out and found it most impressive. Thank you. biggrin
I haven't really done much in a guild before, I'm still just getting aquainted with the whole Gaia formatting. I am pretty new to Gaia, but I am definately not a Newbie!
I have entered my Avi in the arena for the first time ever. She will be in starting Monday, Christmas day. I had a real inspirational storyline to go along with her look. I was able to publish only a small part of the story, as they limit you to only one thousand charcters. I am thinking of writing the rest of my story in my journal, so it will be in the format that it should have been in the first place. I edited the story seven times, before I got it to fit in the description box. They don't tell you these things before hand, which I think they should. It can be a bit frustrating, especially when there isn't a character counter. Now, that would have been helpful!
Anyway, enough babbling. I hope evryone here has a wonderful Christmas, and all the best in the New Year!