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Reply 51: Philosophy.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:34 pm
I was going about the guild and I happened to stumble upon a certain topic in the depression corner. The question of suicide. I already made a response but I would still like to share it with anyone who is willing to read. And please post your thoughts on suicide as well.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:37 pm
Suicide? An escape from reality by a number of people round the world every year. Usually the cause is depression caused by mental stabilities, trauma, cults, harsh-up bringing and even fad. What you think of suicide is anything, anything at all, an escape from the suffering you suffer, a selfish escape, a sin against God almighty or whoever or whatever you believe in. But you have to get rid of all human perspective, thought and the human element to get to the basic. What is suicide? The act of killing oneself (oneself being an organism with intelligence to an extent of making choices) for a reason. I personally think of it every minute, on the hour every hour of every day. But yet I'm still alive, why is that? Obviously the reason another person would think is "O he's got something to live for" or "something is making him stay put in this world". What if there was just a possibility that that person's happiness was illusion, fake and they knew it. They weren't happy, but still denied suicide? You would then think "O they're following God's whim" or "They're taught not to do that." Get rid of the teachings also, and still that person refuses to die, then WHY? WHY live? Maybe another though "they're mentally insane", but even then what if it wasnt a possibilty? What would you think then?

The person I talk about aint me if you were thinking that. That was partially me until "the mentally insane" part. All I'm trying to get out is that no matter the circumstance people dont just commit suicide even if all the odds are against them. And yes I know my source is a little...unbelievable but to an extent you have to consider the question. What if there was a person like that in this world? I persnally dont think that is possible, because of the odds I mean its unlikely especially when you're talking about chance. Billions of chances to 1. But if that person existed, what would you think then?

Thats what I think everyday, even the thought of commiting suicide myself, but for me, no matter how sad I get, its as if I just keep Floating on. Maybe a chance later in life. Maybe one day all of the sadness will go away, I'll be happy again, I'll be in the place I do belong. But then the fact hits me, I've had chances and chances upon chances to fit in everywhere I've been. Even now I'm having a tough time trying to find the perfect place. Alone was always where I was, not even wanting to try, there was no hope for me but then music came. Music came and saved me. Thats the reason why I live now, music saved my life. There is no other time in my life that I dont feel either bored with life or unhappy unless its playing, listening, or even learning music.

That's my reason, everyone has one reason to be alive and then when that reason is gone, people go into depression. They strive to either get the feeling back, or try to hang on until life throws them another bone. Some eople are impatient and can't stand the sorrow, and that is their choice and no one should be the judge until they get the front row seat of the person in question's life. Maybe its just love, doing something, a friend, a possession, wealth, status, sickness, or even oppression that does it but whatever the case be, everyone has the choice, and its not justifiable until a true perspective of the said person's life is understood to the d.  



PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:29 am
I think I know how you feel. Im having suicide thoughts(and trys) for 4 years know and sometimes ist really hard and you just dont know why. My reason that I am still alive is that nothing worked and the stories I read. Because when I read a good story I feel at ease and I feel REALLY alive, not just the mask others make me wear.
The question why there could be (are) people that just dont wnat to die whatever happens is simple, at least I think it is.
The truth is that we are a part of this nature and were (in my opinion) once like the animals (which are strangly called lower beings by most). Every creature has the instinct to survive. Thats something every being has when it beginns to live, like a baby that crys to get the attention of others because it cant survive on its own.
Most people have these instinct to survive (for whatever reason) for their whole lives, those who are suicidal have it too. Thats a part of those things we have since the beginning, just like how you know how to drink since before you are born. The surving instinct is exactly like that and doesnt need to be tought. You just have it without thinking about it.
Those who commit suicide just have enough reason and 'willpower' (for the lack of a more fitting word) to overpower that instinct. You can see that because everytime you are really hurt or in danger you still feel fear, even if you do not always let it control you.
Thats also one reason why I think that everyone should have the right to die, because your instinct, your mind and everything you are wont let you really do it if your reasons are not so servere that you can really do it otherwise.(provided that they are can think and feel clearly, not under alcohol influence etc.)
So to sum it up it is just about how much you can take, and when your whole being, everything inside of you, decides that you cant do it anymore. And that has nothing to do with strengh or something like that.
Like you said its everybodys choice.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:39 am

Yeah, that's basically it. Suicide is just somebody who has decided their quality of life is such that the reward is not worth the effort and they have nothing else stopping them from doing it. Personally I think most people who commit suicide and weren't, for example, a captured prisoner who was being tortured to the brink of insanity with no real hope of escape at any point or something similar, just gave up and quit life too soon. Yeah, you may go through a LONG period of stuff that sucks and may have lost things that you will never be able to get back, but the worse your life is the more room you have for improvement and the more room for improvement over more time, as long as you keep trying, the more likely it is things will have to get better. And I'm not saying this as intending to pour salt on anybody with a bad life's wounds, telling them "oh suck it up and deal! Just keep waiting and try harder!", more just to say that if you keep hanging in there, you keep open the possibility for improvement, whereas if you quit and die, it's impossible for anything to ever get better for you again in life.
I know a lot of people are very against suicide as a "selfish" act, saying they should have thought of the other people it would effect. On the subject of how suicide effects those close to the person who does it, while other people's welfare is not the most important issue at all here, I think people often get upset over the whole thing and mistakenly call suicide "selfish" because they have faulty logic on the issue. People are hurt at the loss of those close to them, however, I'd think if you had any people so close to you that it would really hurt you worse to think of them upset by your death then to continue living you life as difficult as it may be, then really for having people who mean that much to you and you to them, I don't think there are many cases where your life is really yet that bad that it is worse then not living at all. So, people conclude that those people they valued so much did not really care that much about them, and THAT is what is really getting to them, not only did they just loose somebody, they think they may have just found out they were wrong about how close their relationship with that person was. OR, in some cases people kill themselves thinking that the people close to them would be better off if they themself were dead, so it's actually a self-LESS act, bad and stupid for forgetting that aspect of "No, they wouldn't be better off, they value you too and so would be devastated" or perhaps they are so far gone as to just be UNWILLING to admit that they could have value to these people, again definitely not selfISH but more selfLESS, or haven't considered "if they really would rather you were dead, what reason do you have to give a flying fruitcake about THEIR welfare?" These cases are really all a matter of LACKING selfish interest. In these last cases, I think the person would be much happier and have kept living had they just had better selfesteem.
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Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:42 am
I know of a boy that committed suicide. He never seemed depressed or mentioned suicide as a possibility for himself to anyone. Everyone seems to think he was the nicest funniest happiest person around. On the other hand you have all these kids that say they're depressed, but will never even attempt suicide.

I think the major killer is loneliness. That's why so many people kill themselves around christmas. We can be surrounded by people an still be completely alone. As for the depressed kids... they have company in misery.

I personally have never attempted suicide though I've thought of it many a time. It's partially because of fear, but mostly because even though I'm depressed and sad... I have a lot of life ahead of me. I want to see where my road leads and I want to experience whatever it is I am intended to. My function as a human is not to kill myself, but to live until something else does.  
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:58 am

Sad, but I do think loneliness is a major motivator for these kinds of things. The thing is though being lonely does make people feel "depressed." So the lonely people do fall under that category too, they just may be the ones that nobody thinks is depressed simply because the nature of their problem is such that if people really knew about their problem the problem wouldn't exist in the first place. It is especially a shame though that something as simple as loneliness can lead a person to killing themself since loneliness is not that hard a problem to solve compared to so many other possible ones. Joining clubs, moving to new places, over the course of time as long as you don't entirely make a hermit of yourself you meet new people. Meeting new people presents new opportunities to make and foster new human connections. Especially going to things associated with things you like will give you good opportunities to make friends, since you'll already have something in common with those people.
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Vice Captain


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PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:59 am
I just think.. that sometimes.. everything as a totality hurts so much.. that the person would opt for feeling nothing at all.

Everyone has their own reasons.. some might say there is no reason good enough to do it.. but, we're not all equipped with the same coping skills.

We're taught that it's wrong.. but, I.. honestly, speaking.. think that it's just as wrong to condemn someone for it.. when sometimes it's a last resort to something someone's been trying to resolve for quite some time and just couldn't. *Not suggesting that any of you are condemning anyone, I'm referring to people I know offline*

Not only that.. but what's easy for some of us to deal with.. maybe something that'd turn another person's world upside down. None of us can honestly know how severe the pain or emptiness someone else is feeling.

We can empathize, relate, or sympathize with it.. but to actually feel what that person is feeling? Not really. To know what's going on in their heads, especially when they don't want to share it with you or even let on that somethings wrong? Not a chance.

Maybe I'm the one that's not on the right track with this.. cause I know I was raised to believe this was a sin and one of the ultimate no-no's a person can do.. it could be I'm just biased.

I just know from first hand experience how intense a "hurt" can be.. imagined or not.. if it takes ahold of you at just the right time.. the thought of it being wrong doesn't cross your mind.. the aftermath of what you're about to do.. doesn't really cross your mind either. Well, at least it didn't for me. All I wanted was to become a void.

I just got lucky I was found.

I'm not trying to glamourize it.. cause there is nothing glamorous about it.. there are no heroic stories or tributes relating to it.. I sat here for a while thinking about whether I should even share this.. fearing the potential negative responses I might get from it.. but if sharing it sheds some insight on anything for anyone.. then that bad chapter in my life won't be for nothing..

I'm honestly thankful that I was found early enough for me to still be here today.. and I know better than to ever try it again.. but at the same time.. my heart goes out to those that are gone because of it.. cause I know it takes alot to get to that point.

I hope anyone feeling suicidal that might be reading through this thread, realizes.. You are cared about.. You are important, you matter, and the world will not be a better place without you.. before doing anything.. talk to someone.. even if it's one of those people on a hotline.. sometimes talking to a stranger can do more for you than trying to talk to someone you know.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:39 pm
Cravenness. I honestly believe that, aside from all the aforementioned reasons for sticking around, despite the want to die, the person may simply be a coward. Too craven to even take their own life.

Think of it this way. There is no pain at the point of death. Typically, a person will live for a second without feeling any physical pain, then death will come. The nerve impulses shut down a fraction of a second before the conscious mind...the whole of brain.
The act of dying, however, is/can be, extremely painful. The sting of a small cut can hurt like mad for days, imagine that pain if the cut were deep enough to slice major veins. It would sting like nobody's business. Many common poisons would cause a person to retch and writhe in agony with severe cramps before death. Even drowning causes reactionary pain from the heaving lungs as they gasp for air--it burns, it stings inside and out. Dying is painful.

Perhaps, while the person wishes to die for the release from their suffering, they are not willing to go through more suffering to get there. Perhaps they fear the pain involved. Or they fear what people would think of them if they tried, and failed.  

Sacred Angeleus


PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:48 pm
I don't understand it  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:35 am
      I get what your saying, but humans make reasons to stay alive- Love, money, possesions, family, or curiousity. All of the reasons are human made. But when you look past that we are all pointless living beings that are just going to go round in this circle of living learning and dying. Nothing is going to come out of it, sure people can learn from people in the past but in the end they are going to die too. :/
      Sorry for sounding morbid but really suicide is just a human produced way of dying. We cant really define it, I certainly cant, we cant do anything about it except accept the fact that when the end comes the end comes even if it means killing yourself or being killed.

      Really, I dont see the point in discussing it ( no I'm not shunning it away, no I'm not scared of it, and no I'm not against it ) if in the end we are all going to drop dead eventually. :/

S u g a h b o p


Fashionable Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:50 am
I was going about the guild and I happened to stumble upon a certain topic in the depression corner. The question of suicide. I already made a response but I would still like to share it with anyone who is willing to read. And please post your thoughts on suicide as well.

Suicide is the ultimate escape. The place to run to when you don't ever want to go back. In a weird way, I don't think it's cowardly, persay, but the pinnacle of desperation.

I'm not going to say I like it when someone is considering suicide but it's their right. They get to decide what they want to do with their life and if it's to end it, if they really, truly want to end it, there's nothing anyone else can do to stop them. I don't think you can make anyone want to live if they want to die if the want has driven everything else aside. And, although I don't think I should say this, the people who don't have the will to live and can never seem to get it, no matter how many chances the world gives them, they're better off dead.  
51: Philosophy.

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