Hello, welcome to the Gaia Gold Lucky Lotto!

I am Enigma, and I am here to tell you of a way to make some good money. Here's what you have to do:

Step 1.
Message me saying you wish to enter and trade me 500 gaia gold.

Step 2.
Post a message saying Bump or start a chat as you play and above the text box click the Post Action button and select Roll Dice. When it comes up select "6 sided" and under "Number of dice" type 2 in the box.

Step 3.
Submit the post and if your dice totals the number 7 then you win the total amount made from entry processions. (Minus 10% for future purchase of collectible items for prizes.)

Note: Each entry will only work for 1 full week, after that, I will remove your name from the entry list and you must pay again to play. This makes it easier for me to purchase better items for you to win in the future.

What do you have to lose? Nothing to lose and much to gain so come in and join the game!

Please do not start rolling the dice until you have read the rules and traded me 500g. If you win before you have not done that then I will not count that win.

All entries will be listed below: *note: I will not be playing this game as it would be unfair for me, the owner of this contest, to play.*