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Revealed Confusion

Moonlight took a long sip of tea. Her eyes closed as she listened to her guest's reason for his surprise drop by. She perfectly well knew why Shense had decided to visit. In fact, before he made the final decision to come to her house, Moonlight knew he was coming. How else would he react to the suffering headaches of not knowing what drawn him to her? "I see.." Moonlight spoke as she finally set her now empty tea cup on the clear glass coffee table before her. "So...Just dropped by to say hello...And to interigate me for what you dear friend Garrison told you...? My my...." She grinned, her soft voice hinting she was amused. "Does Shense feel threatened by me..? Oh no...That could not be it....Someone like Shense couldn't possibly feel threatened by a mere woman...No. That wouldn't be like him..."

Shense sat across form Moonlight. The mockery in her voice towards him annoyed him greatly. It was pushed aside by the last bit she had said. Those words, it was if she had known him for quite a while. "And...How would you know what would be like me? You would think assumption would be beneath a woman of your stature." Shense's eyes scanned the room, obsorbing the exquiste, astonishing, and happily noted Gathering Room.

The room was quite large. The stone walls, haunting yet inviting. Red velvet shrouded in black lace covered the windows. Two black couches sat across from eachother in the middle of the room. The glass coffee table laid between them shined in the glow from the fire that was ablaze in the stone fireplace. There was something different about this fire. It's color was a shocking blue and green. The strange fire seemed to be the only substance keeping the Gathering room lit.

Moonlight smirked. "A woman of my stature has a variety of ways of getting her answer dear, dear Shense. Are you still wanting yours?"

Shense tore his eyes slowly away from the strange fire and looked towards her. "Of course." He answered in a low voice. "Shouldn't that be obvious? Or is someone such as you oblivious to the obvious?" Shense smirked back at her.

"Hm? Did you say something Shense?" Moonlight asked innocently then grinned.

"Answer..my..question." Shense growled.

Moonlight's face grew dark and serious. "If you insist." She closed her eyes then sighed. "About four years ago, I erased your memory, as well as everyone else's, of ever knowing me. You and I used to be....friends. That is how I know you, and, how I knew what to do to knock you unconcious last night. Through the kiss, I used the energy you took against you. I would of just done so the easy way, but we had Garrison accompaning us. So, I decided to put on a show. There is the answer you so dearly wanted. Any questions?"

Shense sat in silence. He stared in shock at the floor through the glass of the coffee table. A few minutes past before he lifted his eyes back to hers. "Ju-...Are you...crying?" he asked as he caught sight of the few pink tears that slowly slide down Moonlight's face.

Moonlight touched her cheek gently with her finger tips, just in time to have a single pink tear slide down them. She quickly turned her face away. "No."

Shense rose to his feet then walked around the coffee table and sat himself next to Moonlight. He placed his hand softly on her cheek, gently turning her face to meet his. "What...What about this has driven you to sudden tears?"

"The answer....To the question you were going to ask....I erased your memory to end the game my creators had set before me. I...I did not want to get you involved..You had already been involved in so much with me...I could not ask of more. They made a deal with me....'Take something from the one you love in exchange for freedom from this game you find so cruel.' is what they had told me. I had nothing else powerful enough to satisfy them except....your memories of us. I had to leave you afterwards was the other part..Leave and never see, nor speak to you again. Seeing me in pain from this action, they accepted. Who knew how cruel God could be when you are considered unwanted...now that I have told you though..." Moonlight sighed then continued. "The game will begin again."

"Then why did you tell me?! Why did you not continue refusing..?!" Shense asked, unaware of the anger in his voice.

"I-It was hurting you...Not knowing angered you...I couldn't..." Moonlgiht managed to say through the unstoppable tears she was forcing herself to control.

Shense's face paled from the antagonizing feeling of guilt that dwelled inside him. Those tears made him feel asheamed. Why couldn't he just ignore his stubborness and just leave when she tried to push him away with her continuous mocking of him? 'Because,' Shense answered himself inside his head. 'As she said...That wouldn't be like me.'

Moonlight moved herself away from him. This closeness is something they had in the past, but oh how she longed to bring it back. 'No.' She told herself. 'I must push myself away. If-'

Shense pulled Moonlight to him, holding her close. "Don't."

Moonlight looked up at him. "Don't?"

"Do not think on it anymore this night." Shense spoke softly.

"Shouldn't....Shouldn't you be angry? Shouldn't you feel betrayed? Why are you being so nice? Wh-" Moonlight asked repeatedly until Shense covered her mouth.

"I should feel angry....I should feel betrayed....but, I cannot." Shense said with a sigh.

"You..cannot?" Moonlight asked, slightly confused as to how he could not be angry.

Shense shook his head slowly. "It just...left."

Moonlight let her eyes stare down at the floor. Slowly, Moonlight pulled herself from his and stood up.

Shense grabbed her wrist, his eyes meeting hers.

Moonlight smiled at him then slipped her wrist from his grasp. She walked over to the fireplace, reached into the fire and pulled something out. Moonlight walked back over to Shense then dropped the object into his shirt pocket.

Shense stared at his shirt pocket then reached up to see what she had given him.

Moonlight touched his hand softly. She shook her head gently and smiled. "Not until you are home."

"What is it?" Shense asked in a quiet voice.

Moonlight's smile softened. "A gift."

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:12am
o.o I was gone for one day and everyone sounds like their about to rip eachother's throats out... o.O

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:18am
I dont care if I'm in the story or not.
It bothers me not.

Alexander Fideles
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:20am
Then why I ask you, do you even bother to read it?

Fear I might tarnish your....'good' name?

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:21am
*falls into a comfy chair and eats popcorn* now we just have to wait for the next chapter… symarea… *stares with wide eyes at syma*

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:22am
~waves hand~ Yes yes..

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:24am
You know I love you syma, I'll be patient... ^-^

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:25am
You have to be sometime my dear child. ~pats her head~

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:29am
Just being a good sumerian.
Showing your journal some love.
*Yawns* now that I have I guess I'll go.
You be nice now.
*kisses your forehead and vanishes*

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Alexander Fideles
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Chihiro Ogino Sen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:34am
*groans* oh jesus this is totally off subject but I have one week of vacation left… T-T

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:34am
....~growls slightly while scrubbing forehead~ You showed my journal more hatred and filth than love.

And, I am sorry to hear that Chi.

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:37am
*whines* so am I... I do not want to go back to school... Im already having nightmares, and my cousin is in every one of them... @_@

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 05:46am
besides if I'm a brat for liking you and getting jealous, i could almost call you a brat.
He doesnt love you. And you know who I'am talking about.
Well i pitched in my 5 cents.

Alexander Fideles
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 06:02am
Tch. I do not like you, nor do I get jealous. As hatred, it is an emotion I do not know. As for the one you speak of..He has not concern here. I do not care for what that demon thinks. All your ways of getting to me are meaningless. If you plan to persist any further..Try tempting me with something that means something. Your nonsense only annoys me. Leave my life K. While you have the chance to live.

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 11:30am
Tch. Hide behind your lies.
Leave your life?
I dont think that is possible.
As for killing me, that is an empty threat as always.
*yawns* Your boring me, do something entertaining.

Alexander Fideles
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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:01pm
K you bore everyone, so I wouldnt be talking.

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:47pm
yea i know, it so awesome.

Alexander Fideles
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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 04:52pm
Nah I do the same thing sometimes...

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 11:02pm
I told you I would kill you K..and now you are dead.
How sad.
~giggling~ Oh how no one believes I can be a monster amuses me..

ANYWHO! ~noms on chocolate~ ^^

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 11:45pm
What are you talking about syma? You’ve scared me before…>_>

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 11:49pm
Which part?
I killed K.
I am eating chocolate.


I am a demon, child. Killing someone who has done to me what he has will not phase me in the least.

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 12:08am
A couple months ago u threatened to kill me when something 'slipped out'...>_>

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 12:13am
I told you right after I was joking. =_=' Gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwd.

I feel everybody now thinks I am dark. I am hated now. Hm. ._. ~shrugs~ I was hated in the past for it to..so..it does not really matter.

Of course...If this was that piece of the past... None of this technology would be alive. mrgreen

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 12:20am
No that one time you were serious. Pissed of and serious. >_> But I dont hate you.

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 12:23am
Nah. If I was going to kill you, I would of done it the same day I said it. I feel happy for some reason..I blame my demon side. ~bounces on exercise ball I have for some reason...still pondering the reason~
IdidsayIwasjokingthough. <<

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 12:33am
You never said u were joking *bounces on syma while she bounces* >w< this is so wrong... XD

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 12:36am
~frowns~ YesIdid..Iremembersayingit. gonk myweridmindrememberseverything

<< Woman..Why are you boucning on me?! gonk

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:01am
*burts out laughing and sits on syma* calm down meinen mutti... X3

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:03am
I will try... ~almost falls of then ball, rotates body around it like a snake and sits up again~....<< Don't ask...

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:10am
What did you do in the closet? o.O

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:12am
Ummmmmm...Closet? ~frowns~ Closet...closet...Was it when we had Orochimaru over?

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:19am
Oh mi god you;re gonna have snake babies O_O

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:21am
~smacks forehead~ stare My word child...Orochimaru and I didn't do that. stare Never have with him, most likely never will. He confessed a fear of me. x3 Heeeeeeeeeeeee is scared. Of. Me. xDD

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Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:23am
omf I had this nightmare one time in real life that I was pregnant with snakes. o_o it was weird...

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:47am
*head desk*

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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:49am
That is a little creepy Chihiro and are you okay Shense? o.O

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 03:03am
Dude u think its creepy with me talking about it, you didn’t see it in ur dreams… @_@

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 03:07am
~pats your head~ I have had way stranger dreams than you child..Way stranger dreams.

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 03:12am
I havent even gone into details yet... >_>

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 03:19am
No need nor want you to at this moment..o.O

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 03:32am
Thank u cuz its scary just remembering it… >.<

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 02:13am
Fail comments. All fail. <---- Didn't comment yet.

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 02:16am
I think this feels more like a chatroom than commented area Star. ._. Except..I know all these people. ~pokes with staff~

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commentCommented on: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 02:37am

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 11:25pm
>_> *pokes syma* o.O

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 14, 2009 @ 12:23am
*evil laugh* FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 14, 2009 @ 02:44am
o.O Is that an emote or something from mars?

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 14, 2009 @ 02:57am

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 15, 2009 @ 02:41am
-.- *growls back* >:[

Chihiro Ogino Sen
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commentCommented on: Sat Aug 15, 2009 @ 03:39am
O.oo.O *licks* XD *flees*

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 15, 2009 @ 03:44am

Not even going to ask.

~walks away~

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