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Lanzer's Journal
We've been hard at work in building the next site re-design.

After Gaia's 4th anniversary, we began working on a new initiative to really improve the look and feel of Gaia. We want to make it more fun, more alive, and more user-friendly. We're getting a lot done, and we'll be sharing some screen shots with everyone soon. The whole project then took a life of its own as we realized that, after four years, we've never really looked at improving many aspects of the site, such as our color scheme.

In particular, we've been thinking a lot about Gaia's logo. When our logo was first created, there was no Gaia community. The Gaia logo reflected our vision of what Gaia was at the time, but the community has grown and matured so much since then that it no longer seems appropriate. Gaia was once a website that created a community, but throughout the years it's become a website that is defined by its community.

With that in mind, we decided to create a logo that does a better job of reflecting the style and spirit of our members. We wanted something that looked cooler, more unique and more fun. We put in a lot of thought about who we are as a site and as a community, and we came up with something that, in our opinion, really looks the way Gaia feels.

User Image

User Image
* color is not final, we used red because it's easy to read biggrin

The UI team will be posting about the new header design later. We'll be collecting feedback at that time. Please let us know what you think!

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Winged Demon X
Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:26pm

what is wrong with the fourms right now

Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:39pm

[-PLEASE NOOOOO! ! ! ! I will cry if you change it. Please. Don't be cruel. You've already took out my easy-access button [-mail, friend,trade, etc icons-] And you're mixing up more things on here currently. Don't change it anymore.... I hate change.-]

Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:40pm

Excellent! The next step to becoming a Web2.0 contender is creating a Web2.0 logo. It looks great! Looking forward to the new design!

Moldy Panties
Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:45pm

Leave it alone!

Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:52pm

It's a nice look, I have to admit that though I hate things that shouldn't be lower case being lower case. But really, you need to stop changing things. The site's layout has changed far too much in the past year or so, something that should be a rare treat happens every couple of months it feels like and is nothing but a headache. As soon as you get the hang of something a new version comes out. 'Improving' only goes so far and you don't need to fix what's not broken.

Gay Batman
Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:52pm

Looks pretty sleek. Less "child website"~ish. If that reads coherently. sweatdrop

Community Member

Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 11:55pm

At the moment, I'm not terribly impressed but maybe seeing the rest of a design would help. ^^;

XGreen Eggs And SpamX
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:01am

Change it back to the old gaia

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:03am

The new logo looks very... flat. I don't like it. The thing I like about the current logo is that it has more color and is a bit more complex (not to the point that it's hard on the eyes, though.)
(I really hope the final one won't be red, for some reason I look at that and the first thing I think is "Walgreens." gonk )
Although the design isn't so bad, it looks like any other genaric logo. Please keep the one we have now!

Ar nDraiocht
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:03am

I liked the original Gaia layout better. D:

XGreen Eggs And SpamX
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:04am


Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:08am

Oh boy, new layouts (again) and forums shutting down, Yippee! [/sarcasm]
Based off the posts before mine, I'd say Gaia disapproves neutral

Lady Yenta
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:36am

It looks like the coca-cola font to me.
The new picture is kind of cool, but the words just look generic and sad.

Evil Tuxedo
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:47am

As long as it works, I'm fine with it.

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:48am

NOOOOOO! ITs ugly! Please dont change it! Its awesome as it is! I beg you! Don't change it! crying

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 12:56am

I don't really like it.
However, if you capitalize the "g", play with the colors a lot, and maybe have the letters outlined, I think it would look better. In fact, I think it might look neat if you took the current one and replaced the "a"'s with the "a"'s of the proposed one.
But seriously, the proposed one looks really plain. It looks like you were trying to make it look elegant, but it just looks boring.

Seraph Angels
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 01:18am

Honestly I don't think it looks cooler. I like the current logo as is.
The new one, seems to cold and lifeless, unlike the one now.
Please do not change it, because honestly the one now is alot better than the "new" one.
Cause honestly it is just text, and is very boring.., and it is way to generic if you know what I mean.
I like change, but I don't want you guys to change the logo into that...seems to flat, lifeless, cold, and boring.=[

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 01:37am

i like it. but it looks a bit thin.
try "outlining" the text with some other color that will
work with it. that way, it will look more full.

right now it looks more like a logo for a vacuum cleaner box

good example. Sam's hair.
the blue inside and the orange outside gives it some pop

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 01:56am

could you not make a gaia logo with a capital G question
theres so many items with a capital G on that using a non capital G is bl ah hh

also itd be nice if you could make the logo ~*blue, pink and white*~

[Ryan the Sage]
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 03:35am

It looks great when you add the gradients to it! I also like how it's simpler, because it adds a variety of color possibilities to it.

Toxic Blue
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 04:34am

what would be cool is if you can put in a gallery area of what the site use to look like when it was first born and all the update from there. dont know about anybody else but i think it would be a cool idea....

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 05:45am

I think the new logo is really lovely. Very cool, modern font. Good use of text size variance.
For the header, I think it's good. I'm not in love with it, nor do I dislike it. Something doesn't seem right about using NPCs- especially when Ian is wearing something totally different than he usually does. It doesn't bug ME that much, but I'm sure someone will be upset about it.
I do like the use of the maps-esque background. It's somthing that I know a lot of users have been asking for, and it looks good.
Thanks for all your effort. We really appreciate it. You are all doing a fantastic job. <3

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 06:01am

I do not like the logo because it doesnt feel like Gaia. I am disappointed that there is going to be a change. I love the logo that we have today. I just do not want this web community to be like neopets. I hoping that you, Lanzer will reconsider about the logo. I like the colorful colors not dull colors. I just hope that this website will be staying the same. I love Gaia the way it is.

Or make a feature that would be like the old and new profile. Make it old website and a new website changes in the account settings.

I thought this is an anime / manga community. It is suppost to be a colorful website. I just hope that everyone will agree with this.

Please do not change the web layout. Thank you.

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 06:12am

The GAIA logo looks great now that it has new look and new feel.

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 06:47am

me like the new look! but.... i still like the classic logo that is being used right now whee

teh darkcloud
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 07:30am

I agree with one of the first-page posters. I don't like the new logo as much as I like the old one. This new one sort of screams "social networking site".

Seri Dreams
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 10:38am

Well if you do find a final color, for the second banner, light blue will be nice, sticking to the original colors, of the schemes, this site has been using. Over the times.

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 10:50am

I so like the first one, it's just way cooler then it is now 3nodding
ow and you guys really do some awesome jobs to improve Gaia smile

Amy Obscurite
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 11:36am

le gasp! it's so cool! but keep the big G, it is best with a big G.

K. Hiwatari
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 01:32pm

I'm liking the new design. However, I am still in love with the old Gaia logo too. What are you going to do about things like your merch which has your old logo on it?

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 05:02pm

I really like the new logo, more mature and more modern.

Cannot wait to see what you guys have in store for us. smile

Faithless Juliet
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 07:20pm

Personally, I like a darker color. The red just seems too...glaring. Something darker like traditional blue or purple would be awesome. You guys are doing an awesome job, by the way, keep it up!


Quinn Cillian
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 08:29pm

I really like it... It looks more mature, more... Teenage, I guess. Good job, as usual... But fire flowers...? XD

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 09:48pm

Maybe with a capital 'G'? I dunno, for some reason it feels less unique to me sweatdrop I know this sounds weird but, maybe it needs more personality?

Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 11:13pm

It's really nice and makes me feel comfortable.. but it feels too... v.10.6-ish. Keep our current font and colors?

EDIT: It looks kind of plain... though... sweatdrop

Nite Lewis
Community Member

Fri Jul 20, 2007 @ 11:22pm

Would you.. put a big G? Please?

And I like the first one, mainly because violet is my favourite color, but I have to agree.. the old logo screams "GAIA!" This one seems.. lifeless. I don't want Gaia to turn into anything resembling Neopets emo

Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 02:25am

WOW!...u do know how to push the girls
and u use to be difrent i miss the old lanzzer
and if u were borring i dont mean that
one cuze now your just like a teen
bu blgum pop sencationi miss the old one crying
crying crying crying

what i mean is....u disapointe me

HI!!! blaugh
i wish more ppl on my friends list would come on more stare
Mills XI
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 03:56am

OK this is comeing from someone who has been on the site for a little over 2 years. I would like to say how good of a job you and the rest of the staff is doing. Now about the new layout. If you could make seem more adult it would be perfect.

The Giggle Fairy
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 04:42am

I like it! A lot!

Chocolate Mudkips
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 04:45am

To me, it's sleeker and more eye-catching than the original Gaia logo. However, the lowercase "g" is bothering me. If it was bolder and more apparent than the other letters, people could eventually acknowledge and recognize the "g" as an everyday icon, a bit like the McDonald's "Golden Arches" icon.

On a side note, perhaps you could make it so that as people surf through Gaia, the logo would randomly change colors.

Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 05:19am

I have to agree with everyone else saying that Ian would never, ever, dress that way. It's like putting Moira in a Cinderella Ball Gown.
I can live with the different logo itself, but then I've only been here for about four months so I don't have as strong a relationship to the "Big G" as other users.

Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 05:20am

Thank you! I think you really need to pay attention to the NPC's Profile pages too. It will add so much more, and make them seem more real! I mean, I would love to look at gino gambinos interests, and his about me stuff! I think everyone would! Their profiles are searched every day and commented on if it's allowed, but the results of that search is a plain profile with very plain avis! You should really pour the NPCs personality into them!

Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 06:59am


Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 07:24am


#1: You are using meaningless buzzwords to sell stuff. I know it's the American way, but it's still stupid.

#2: Colours are too dark. Up until now, one of Gaia's strongest points (for me at least) was its general bright and pleasant look. Unlike all of the other bajillion forums on the internet, which did the "edgy" thing and adopted a "darker, more mature" (since when does darker mean more mature anyway) look, Gaia stayed bright and enjoyable to look at. Why change that?

Ly Tai
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 07:56am

I was about to agree to the change, and that the current one looks too childish, considering Gaia's large ammount of older users, but reading over many comments, it does look more plain, and less exciting. I say keep it the way it is.

Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 08:40am

I personally like it. But it seems a little.. err... flat. You might want to consider a border around the letters.. something a little more aesthetically appealing.

Schroedingers Kitty
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 09:03am

I like the old one better. It has a lot of nostalgic value for oldbies, and it's a bit more unique and charming. The new logo does look more modern, but it's far more generic. I could see almost any company having that logo, and I wouldn't look twice.

Firn the Panda
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 11:20am

Wow, holly crap.

That's supposed to be a LOGO?

It looks like a boring standart font, not a logo.

The art looks very nonprofessional too.

Something "that really looks the way Gaia feels"?

It looks cold, unfriendly, boring and nonprofessional. And it lost the old Gaia magic by 275% now.

It's probably pointless to say "Please don't change it" since you do what you want anyway.
I am disappointed.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 11:26am

User Image

I like the current logo more.

User Image

Aiya Spiritweaver
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 12:24pm

well with life comes change and people have to learn to except it.

However you should change the lowercase g to an uppercase G it makes the name look more important. I kinda like the top one with the cooler tones.. but I do not like the red one..

The new logo idea seems to pull off a slight generic type feel. The one on top looks ok but that is prolly because of the picture in the background and its gradient. It helps out the logos feel and makes it seem less generic.

I do like the old logo a lot as well as many others, but that is mostly because everyone is use to it being there.

On a designer standpoint tho the site and logo prolly could use some redesign. The way the site design is now blanks out the mind and makes it kinda boring. Ever wonder why they paint school rooms white?(I learned this somewhere psychology or something) :F its so that it will blank out most things in your mind and you end up focusing more on the teacher. (school is boring) The white is less inviting :F

I really do ramble too much... sweatdrop

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