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Lanzer's Journal
We've been hard at work in building the next site re-design.

After Gaia's 4th anniversary, we began working on a new initiative to really improve the look and feel of Gaia. We want to make it more fun, more alive, and more user-friendly. We're getting a lot done, and we'll be sharing some screen shots with everyone soon. The whole project then took a life of its own as we realized that, after four years, we've never really looked at improving many aspects of the site, such as our color scheme.

In particular, we've been thinking a lot about Gaia's logo. When our logo was first created, there was no Gaia community. The Gaia logo reflected our vision of what Gaia was at the time, but the community has grown and matured so much since then that it no longer seems appropriate. Gaia was once a website that created a community, but throughout the years it's become a website that is defined by its community.

With that in mind, we decided to create a logo that does a better job of reflecting the style and spirit of our members. We wanted something that looked cooler, more unique and more fun. We put in a lot of thought about who we are as a site and as a community, and we came up with something that, in our opinion, really looks the way Gaia feels.

User Image

User Image
* color is not final, we used red because it's easy to read biggrin

The UI team will be posting about the new header design later. We'll be collecting feedback at that time. Please let us know what you think!

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Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 01:19pm

Keep the old logo.....I like it MUCH better......even though I'm only a few months old here.....Taking away the old logo would be unfair to those who really like the old logo....I propose that there should be a layout for the new logo and a layout for the old logo....so it should be fair to those who like the old logo and to those that like the new logo

XGreen Eggs And SpamX
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 07:19pm

Don't ake any T.V. Commercials for gaia

kittygirl V!
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 08:35pm

I like the original logo better, but if this one had a capital G I would like it. 3nodding
Because The G is the symbol of Gaia, like the G-pin and the G-blade, G-bot, etc, etc.

Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 08:55pm

I agree with Juno Mnemosyne. I got this creative feeling from Gaia the first time I logged in. The layout was different then, I have forgotten what it looks like. But since the site changes it has sort of, changed my expression twards gaia, more of a 'Business place' than a 'Hang-out place' feel to it. It may just be the layout, or something else. Oh well just one person's feelings can't change a thing! mrgreen

Erin puppy
Community Member

Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 10:59pm

          User Image

ash to mariko
Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 12:31am

Ranma Saotome
User Image
No...don't change the logo! I like the current one!

Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 12:59am

I like the fonts, especially the a's.

Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 01:11am

This new logo looks pretty good. :] However, like kittygirl V! said, if it were a capital G, it would be better seeing as the G is like a symbol. :]
Haha, it would also be pretty neat if Gaians were able to chose different layouts. Like if they got tired of one, they can change it, sort of like the profile layouts. :]
But what do I know? xD; It still looks pretty good, but the current logo has been here for such a long time and many are used to it. I'm on the "don't change the logo" side. :]
But you're in control, so do whatever you wish. xD

J-Chan Nyan
Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 04:28am

Eh, it's ok. I think you could do a little better, I'm more having problems with the new art style for drawing Gaians...The boy scares me.

Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 06:26am

as many have said the G is a very important symbol of gaia which should not be given up. also, the new logo how it has a kind of shimmering obsidian look just doesn't feel right, that's used in so many places. I like how the shading of the old logo had a type of carmel feel to it, kinda soft, and also unique. i'd go for the new font, it's just the shading and the color scheme and the lowercase g i have trouble with. maybe you could kinda keep the old shading effects rather than making it look glassy. Also, the purple and black makes it seem too punk. I'm loving the NPC's in the header, you should keep with it, aslo I love how you've given them new outfits rather tahn just the ones you'd see in the shops. I really feel attached to the old logo, mostly in the shading of it. just kindof a comforting feel in the smooth roll of the highlights.

Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 07:37am

It's nice, but I'd really prefer the Gaia banner we have now.
The big bubble letters and capital G just pops.
When ever I think of Gaia, I think of three things-

Mini Angel Wing, Rock Puppy and the G.

Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 09:35am

The "Gaia online" part reminds me of old PBS logos from the 70's.

Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 01:05pm

I really like the new font, and the new picture of the two peoples look a lot like Sam and Ian. Its really neat.

I really like the new look idea. And I think purple or a frosty like (slapped) color would go great with the layout.[/color

The Ch0zen 0ne
Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 10:28pm

Dude this is not cool,
if your gonna change it atleast make it better looking!
my god the lowercase g looks horrible and the art is not good at all! i have a cousin who would do WAY BETTER art than that! it's so unrealistic!

Canary Duchess
Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 10:38pm

Those are nice but are they going to be that big?

Reinier Days
Community Member

Sun Jul 22, 2007 @ 10:47pm

Personally, I favor the good ol' Pink and Yellow, Capitol G, Gaia logo...
I just think Gaia should stay the way it is, instead of turning into MySpace or Neopets for a 'lil bigger community. Look around, the Gaians who are here like Gaia now, or they'd quit like the billions of quitters in the Chatterbox right now, but when Gaia was they way it was in the beginning, the Chatterbox wasn't full of "Quitting Gaia, This Place Sucks" and all that crap! Nobody wanted to quit Gaia when it was Gaia... If your going to make a change, I'd say it'd be changing back to the way Gaia was in the first place...
That's just me, but it seems like there are others who agree with me!

Community Member

Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 02:49am

jusy watch dis

Chocobo Princess
Global Moderator

Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 05:21am

The new header would be for where the orange one is currently? Next to where the random pairs are doing whatever they do at the top of the page?

I would love a return to the old, old logo, the one with the pale-blue wing. That seemed the most Gaian to me. 3nodding That said, I like the swoop-like feel of the "a"s presented here; the "i" looks a little too squished up between them. The "g" I dislike. A non-capital letter? Why is this happening? Again, I really liked the capital-G, wing-like one we used to have. Although we could forgo the obnoxiously perky pink color we had had at that time. mrgreen

I'm not really into the dusty, hazy, LA-smog-like look shown here for Barton, although the characters don't seem to be bothered by the air quality at all. rofl The guy seems especially hapless-looking, but that could be due to his youth. wink Neither one sports an offering from our new Tattoo feature, but then, they're not brimming over with MCs either. blaugh

Also, welcome to the wonderful world of journals, Lanzer. I'll be able to bookmark this and follow your updates more easily. whee

Edit after reading all other comments (except for page 5, which is streeeeetched): I see I am not the only one protesting the move away from the anime/roleplay background that brought us to Gaia in the first place. The bubble letters bring something fun into my drab workaday world. Still voting for mini-wings to make a reappearance, and whoever mentioned the halo was onto a good thing, too.

And that weirdo is meant to be Ian? The dapper and polite fellow with the cat? The only shopkeeper for the first three months or so of Gaia? Nah, he looks too out of it to be Ian, and anyway, where's Rufus? Hmmm?

Community Member

Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 12:10pm

i have to say i really lol the current logo it says hey welcome to gaia this is who we are and the new look is cool but too much like everything else i see on the net. which is one of the reasons i love gaia! heart its so different from everything else on the net that the current logo is a welcome home to me. i love to sign on and see the cool headers with the capitol G Gaia logo. its just xd heart xp mrgreen whee all that as one emotion lol



Mrs Cottontail
Community Member

Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 08:15pm

The new logo looks really interesting. ^^
I haven't been on gaia that long - besides a few years before - but I have to say that this looks pretty cool. I don't understand how a logo can hold "memories" or anything, but whatever.

HarryandthePotters Lover
Community Member

Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 08:53pm

I like the purple, but not red. It would be great if everything went together because I love the login page, but its totally different from the rest of the site, and thats sad. I wish you could keep the g as G... because it just seems more... Gaiaish...

Community Member

Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 12:42am

OMG! That first pic is awesome! Perfect for gaia! heart

Community Member

Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 01:22am

omg, i love the first one. I love sam!

Soul Flyyy
Community Member

Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 03:17pm

Is that Sam and Ian? (:
Veeeerrry cute.

The logo is very smooth, I like it a lot.

I think the colour shouldn't be SET.
With Gaia being Gaia, I don't think everyone wants it ONE colour.
I think it should be changing with what it's used for. Case by case, you know? (:


Pixelated Chibiety
Community Member

Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 03:28am

I agree with Chisa. I don't like it. It doesn't say "GaiaOnline" at all. It screams "Generic Teen Hang-Out". I'd like a banner with the fluffy Gaian angel wing and one with waving NPC's.

Community Member

Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 01:26pm

looks cool. cool

Community Member

Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 09:16pm

Nooo~ Don't change our logo. gonk heart That being said, the purple coloring looks awesome. maybe you can try it with the current one we have? Like others have said, this makes Gaia feel like a generic teen website hangout.

Community Member

Fri Jul 27, 2007 @ 01:53am

Love the new logo!!! <33

Community Member

Fri Jul 27, 2007 @ 01:54am

I like it!

I think it should be blue.

Community Member

Sat Jul 28, 2007 @ 11:51pm

Those aren't exactly what shows the Gaian spirit I can remember.
I think it's time to go back a bit, ya know?

Community Member

Sun Jul 29, 2007 @ 06:13am

I have but two complaints:
Like many have said, first, I don't like the lower case letter "g." Gaia as revealed in the Zurg plot especially is supposed to be a whole dang world, so why is it not being treated as a proper noun? Gaians do not need to be seeing Gaia itself sanctioning bad grammar. Plus, as has been often stated, the big "G" is iconic of this place.
Second, I do like the showing of Barton in the background of the banner and the use of the NPCs 4laugh -- But eegads, Ian especially of the two has clothing on that looks far too much like modern Earth teen clothing. Please change that. Please. D:

Also, though not necessary, I think also, as somebody else mentioned, that incorporation of the "mini angel wing" that has also been very symbolic of and associated with Gaia into the logo would be nice. :3 I think that might help with the transition so everybody doesn't feel too much like Gaia is loosing touch with its origin.

Community Member

Wed Aug 01, 2007 @ 04:08am

I really like it.
I think the color scheme should be tweaked a bit, and as everyone has been complaining, there really is too much white in the current layout.

Keep up the good work. heart

Community Member

Thu Aug 02, 2007 @ 02:39am

It seems kind of simple, Lanzer. It needs a detail or something. Please check out what this guy came up with. 3nodding

Community Member

Tue Aug 07, 2007 @ 03:29pm

*Sigh* I guess i'll put in my two cents even though its NOT going to be worth anything. I JUST now saw the announcement for the new layout...and just NOW found the first information on it here in your journal. Seriously, its not bad. But you guys not only can do better and I am really NOT all that taken by it. I LOVED the logo we had. You've had it for so long it now represents you. The PURPLE version is ok, but the font is kinda...EWW. The new layout you guys show is not asthetically pleasing anymore and looks even MORE cluttered than before. The cute little anime pics you can customize at the top of your page? That was cute, why are we loosing it and making this feature useless again? Why make something that just isn't going to be used again on your next layout change? It just doesn't look any more hip than the one we currently have and you really don't HAVE to be. It doesn't speak role play, it doesn't speak "community", it doesn't speak upcomming battle system, doesn't speak "games", doesn't speak individuality, items, shops, NOTHING. It IS generic anime. Thats all it says to me. I'm not thrilled at all about this layout cause it looks out of place, not organized, more cluttered than before, and about the ONLY thing thats good out of this is the purple color theme and getting your avatar back to normal size...but its position on the page, all of the shortcuts and indicators are all seemingly in the wrong spots or doesn't "fit" with the layout itself. So i'm sorry, but i really am not happy with this layout AT ALL. It is no better than the pervious ones you've had and wish you guys would stop making layouts and just deal with what you got since it was fine the way it was and you didn't need to "fix it".

Community Member

Tue Aug 07, 2007 @ 08:12pm

You know, stuff like this should be more open to the community.

My Documents
Community Member

Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 03:56am

This is taken from the feedback thread written by me. I wrote more than this in the feedback thread. Check pg427 too.

This logo is a must! It still has a little bit of the classic GAIA feel because of the wing.
User Image

Lets take a step back and just compare the users that like this new layout.
| yeah itz pretty nice....i like it! 3nodding
| I hope all you whingy idiots quit. Yeah you're idiots if you cant work this layout.
| And yeah I hope it looks more mature so it doesn't attract half witted moan bags like you.
| The staff worked their asses off and all you can do is call them 'idiots' and one person even said it looked
| like a hobo had done it. HAVE A LITTLE RESPECT!
They do not really like the layout, they just want to be part of the crowd and not insult the higher ups that can get users banned.

The truth is the number of people that truly dislike the layout have a much stronger voice in the layout decision process, that is why GAIA has have almost 4 (not sure on that number) layout in the past year. GAIA should stick with one layout (not this one though) and hold their ground.

This is a lazy layout. Drop-down menus are very easy to do and so are random images. Beginning designer can do things like that. The thing that makes this even lazier is that they coded for higher screen resolutions (not 800x600) They can easily be fixed by doing something like this.
Don't get me wrong, this layout has its strong points. For example the positing of the avatar. Also when in the map view, I like that when you hover over the text to the right that the building also hover. Besides those positives everything else is sloppy.

edit:// Just a little note on the load time. I see no problem but I predict GAIA will become even faster once they implement PHPBB3 and make the whole forums tableless.

Please do not take me the wrong way, I respect Lanzer and his staff. Lazer was a genius for his time. I saw him on PHPBB's forum and I hope he continues to give back to the community.

Community Member

Fri Oct 19, 2007 @ 06:11pm


Community Member

Tue Oct 30, 2007 @ 09:31pm

xd lol

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