My dad told me he wouldn't shorten the trip right now, but now he's going behind my back and emailing my mom about something about the trip or something. My mom can barely contain her happiness about this, too. Whenever anything bad happens to me (especially if it's in regards to something I ws looking forward to falling through--as it does often), she's estatic.
*sigh* cry
My sister has this Honors Convication thing tonight for...something. We're not exactly sure of what at this point in time. She's graduating on like the 8th or something. I get to see my dad. Yay. I'm so upset over this whole thing that I'm almost ready to give up. I'm pretty sure they're just going to let me go for like a week. And then off to Slavedom again. There isn't anything I can DO to change the past, only the future. So why punish me now?
I just want to be in CA with his arms around me and hearing him tell me that everything is going to work out. It seems that he's just as frustrated and as anxious for me to be there with him as I am, which helps.
I just got out of the shower, sitting on my bed in a towel, and my step dad is outside my window doing yardwork. I want to move, but if I do, he'll see me. *shudders*
Anyway, must go get ready for le ceremony. Horrah.
heart Brittany
ynattirb73 · Tue May 29, 2007 @ 11:26pm · 0 Comments |