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This is basically just a little thing with my pictures, with about 25 per page, I assume
Paris pics 1-3
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^This pic shows me and the group from my school the day we left. I'm the one in the front with my eyes closed -_- I roomed with the girl behind me to the right, and the girl in the light blue sweater

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^This is the picture of my plane. You can see how snowy it was in Montreal, eh?

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^This is the dinner I had on the way over to Paris. Cherry applesauce, bread, Chicken and potato dinner with some sort of fish on rice, water, and camembert cheese, the cheese that I eventually came to understand as the god of french cheeses. My host family served it every night. We also had water and soda. I'm not sure what that desert is. I never found out.

Melissa Juniorette
Community Member
Melissa Juniorette
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