It came out of nowhere man... While Ash, Diego, and everyone else where at a party, I was with family. Me and my cousin left and where playing around when it happened.
I was mindin' my own business, you know, playing in the street.
Then a car came by and killed meh! D;
By the shock, my cousin, J.J., used the wrong side of the camera xD
In this pic you can see, a white car driving away from the scene of the accident!
But wait! I'm alive! Oh, thank the heavens! Bad trauma to the head though...
So then we desided to poke electric wires with s**t =D
Yayz. Oh, The fun I had today.
lawl. you like my story? we waited, and when a car drove by I layed out in the street, they where probly wondering what the hell I was doing.
supergalkate · Sun Jun 10, 2007 @ 04:06am · 2 Comments |