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Always remember that ninjas are the real ultimate power.
Look Out Europe. Here Comes the Ninja...
Ah Europe. I can't wait. On the 12th I'll be flying over to France (using a plane, unfortunatly) and going on a two week tour of the countries Spain, France, and Germany. Yeah. I'm pretty stoked. But I need to brush up on my French a little bit. It would appear that I've forgotten everything about the language since I stopped school for the year. Ninjas sont impressionnant! Merde d'Oh. Les pirates sont à ma porte. Tenez une minute.

Sounds of carnage and pirate's guts being torn out.

Now then, where were we? Um... Oh yeah! France! I mean that place is the craziest thing to come out of the continent ever, and thats including Napoleon Bonaparte, and that's saying something! I mean, you gotta be some kind of crazy if you tell your city designers to build the streets wide, so if peasants get out of control, you can shoot them down with cannons. That guy was nuts. Or... maybe raisins... I mean, I don't know what the opposite of nuts is, but that's ninjas, and it's a well known fact, that Napoleon Bonaparte was a ninja... yeah.

Okay. Keep it ninja .

ninja POOF ninja