Well... I'm a little sad right now.
I just found out that one of my friends thinks she has this mental issue, and i'm assuming she hasn't told anyone about it.
I've also been thinking about what she had said about my priorities...
To sum it up from what I got from it, she believes that my priorities aren't right. From her perspective, I ditched her and my other friend to go hang out with Adrian in my room. That had been way off, and I had only wanted to play GTA. Adrian just went in there with me. She didn't seem to think that I wanted to spend time with her.
I did. But her and my other friend seemed to be having a really good time together, so I let them be.
Back to priorites.
I'm not sure how she thought picking Adrian over her was something so horrible...
We don't really even know each other now.
Sure, she still lives so close to me, but she's never home.
She just kind of dissappeared after a while.
She went into high school, and started to hang out with more friends.
Even she'll admit she forgot about me for a lot of time. I forgot about her. I feel bad about it, but I'd be an a** to deny it.
The point is, we've been seperated for so long, that there is no way that we could still have a good bond, that had just been growing when we did seperate.
We've both changed, and I think it's best if we just don't try to get that bond back.
Or create a new one.
She's moving before the end of this summer anyway.
We can still talk.
I don't mind that at all.
But I've gone off topic... again...
I love Adrian.
I pick him above everyone else, as foolish as it may be.
I don't really want to talk to her about it now. But I will if it comes up again.
I've set my priorities the way I think they should be.
Adrian happens to be the very first one.
The rest of my family comes next.
I few people would be after them.
I know they don't care about me nearly as much as I do for them.
But it works out.
I know this is sad, but I would be next in line.
I don't have any close friends anymore.
People just don't... notice me.
I'm fine with it. I do feel lonely every now and then, but it's human nature.
call me selfish and conceited, but that's what I've decided.
I don't honestly care if my priorities don't have with yours.
I'm not you.
I don't live your life.
And I won't change them to make anyone happy.
Just felt I had to get that out.
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