I love love love the new MCs. Well, just the Strings. I LOVE the instruments. You know me and my music stuff. Obsession much? I had to get one. Took me a while, but when I did I was so happy that I donated around to people. Including my gift of the goddess. <33
I've been playing so much piano that my hands sometimes cramp. The typing doesn't help.
------- Yesterday I watched the Devil Wears Prada. Loved it. Favorite quote: "What a sad little person..."
I also watched Stranger than Fiction today. I'VE WANTED TO SEE THAT MOVIE FOREVER. I LOVED LOVED IT. I was on edge the entire time. Ana was so pretty!
In a weird tattoo-baker kinda way. Favorite quote: "What, aren't you glad you're not a golem?" 'Yes.... I'm glad I'm not a golem....'
XDDD SO RAD RAD RAD RAD. -hip bumps the door, which gives way and makes me fall-
--------- On a different note. My insomnia has gotten worse and worse. Got about 4-5 hours sleep. I can't fall asleep and can't stay asleep.
NonGolem, Signing off.
Dai - Chan · Mon Jul 16, 2007 @ 03:23am · 0 Comments |