Well, I woke up 15 minutes ago, 1:45, and now I realized that I just should have stayed in bed. I get up, and mom is in one pissed off mood. She's cleaning, and who ever her first target is, she attacks! I have to clean the cat boxes, after that I'm getting a shower, and hoping in my car to go somewhere. Of course I'll need gas first. sweatdrop
She's in her room now, so I at least have some time before she starts nagging to me about things, and do her "favors."
Definition of favor-I'm too lazy to get off my a**. I'm closer to the boject that I want, but I'm too tired to get.
True story:
I'm in the basement, she's in the living room, she yells my name, I go upstairs, and she tells me to get a book out of her room for her. I tell her that she's right there, and she saids that I'm standing up.
So they are leaving for tanning at 4:30. So I'll surf for a FEW minutes. I gotta be careful. If I stay on too long I'll have to do something. ninja
In my dreams, you were already home. When I woke up, you were still far away.
Queen of the Grunnies Community Member |
Community Member
When I woke up, you were still far away.
Time right now is going real slow.
But alas all there is is eight days.