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stuff i want!!!!
Ice Tiara : 9,052 gold
Dark Star : 9,586 gold
Celebrity Date : 9,784 gold
ORLY?Hat : 10,364 gold
Lunar Scythe : 10,456 gold
Gift of the Goddess : 10,980 gold
Western Zodiac : 11,205 gold
Aquatica : 11,312 gold
Cloud : 11,344 gold
Mythrill Armor : 11,603 gold
Elemental Hair : 11,858 gold
Angelic Microphone : 13,507 gold
Gwee the Dragon : 14,551 gold
Winter Rose : 14,712 gold
Oculus Magica : 14,726 gold
Chain of Command : 17,975 gold
Shadow Spirit : 18,948 gold
Pixie : 22,083 gold
Angelbow : 25,001 gold
Mochi the puppy : 31,089 gold
Demon bow : 33,017 gold
Solar Headdress : 33,461 gold
Lunar Cowl : 35,235 gold
Elegant veil :35,725 gold
Ancient Katana : 57,467 gold
Chyaku Norisu Scarf : 61,475 gold
CoCo Kitty Plushie : 86,925 gold
Guitar of Angellus : 90,791 gold
Anglic Bracelet : 103,093 gold
Demonic pendant : 119,951 gold
Thank you letter for mar 2005 : 195,703 gold
Goti Clips : 135,035 gold
Staff of The Angels : 193,366 gold
KiKi Kitty Plushie : 200,856 gold
heart break
In this world a persons heart is able to be seen by any one. Even demons are real but they were put in a spirit realm. But every nine hundred years the realm opens and only one person can close it back up.but how will it all work out…….this time…
“Noooooooo I cant be late for school!!!!!” yelled hiko as she ran,she was just your normal high school girl with a cat on her heart. Mr.kitty moved to the side of hiko. “its not my fault…” said mr. kitty, he was the little cat flying on hikos heart. Hiko stoped and turned to mr.kitty and yelled “WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT YOUR FAULT MR.KITTY-SAN TEN BAGS OF MEOW MIX!!!!”. every one started to stare at mr.kitty and hiko. “I don’t want to hear it we are through its over!!”. some guy yelled around the corner. Hiko looked past the corner and some girl yelled back to the guy “ no wait please”. the guy turned away from the girl “just stop I don’t want to hear it!”. they guys heart sharered as it hit the ground as the girl ran off.
The Black Rose
On one spring night as the cherry blossoms fell the air was crisp with a sent of blood that filled the air. The full moon was dancing on the lakes water surface. A voice out of nowhere says “ an angel will fall out of the heavens on a night just like this someday.” in a house near by a boy was covered in the blood of his parents. The boy cries as the killer leaves saying “ be a man and live as a samurai like your father.” as the killer was leaving the boy looked at him realizing that the killer was not human but a demon. the boy was only 7 at the time still not to understated what the demon meant.
9 years past from that very night. The boy grew up and was in search of the demon that killed his parents. But the day that would change his life was close to hand.
“hey another bowl of ramen over here!” yelled the boy. “you look like you’re a little young to be a traveler.” says the store owner. “hey what do you mean by that old man.” said the boy, a little mad. “ha ha,, what’s your name young man?” asked the store owner as he started to make some ramen. “its kazuma,kazuma nishiki.” replayed the boy as he smiled. “ah nishiki what a nice name you got take good care of it a angel may fall from the heavens to call your name.” said the store owner. “um.. Ok.. its time for me to move on my way.” said kazuma as he paid for the bowl of ramen. “hey wait nishiki, I never got you that other bowl of ramen!” said the store owner. As kazuma was leaving he said “its ok maybe next time ill get that other bowl of ramen old man.”
It started to get dark as kazuma entered a forest out side of the small village. “maybe I should have had the other bowl of ramen!” kazuma said to himself as his stomach felt empty with pain. There was a rustling noise in a tree “WHO‘S THERE!” yelled kazuma. “the time is closes at hand.” said a voice. “what do you mean?” asked kazuma as he tried to find were the voice was coming from. “you will see.” the voice said as he left with a gust of wind. “what was that all about?” kazuma asked himself as he looked up at the moon. “how pretty!” he said looking at the moon that was as red as blood. He slowly started to fall asleep under the blood red moon with cherry blossoms trees blowing in the wind.
Out of nowhere their was a flash of light that was blinding. “what the!” said kazuma confused. Then after the flash of light disappeared a girl looked like she was falling from the sky. “hey hold on!” yelled kazuma to the falling girl but she didn’t hear him because she was unconscious of what was happening. She came closer and closer to the ground as the moon was shining on her with a red shine of blood. Then she slowed down enough that she slowly touched the ground as kazuma was running toured her. “hey are you ok?” yelled kazuma to the girl. The girl slowly started to wake up “where am I??” asked the girl as she was confused.
“your in a forest near a little town called shintaro” replied kazuma as he was surprised. “where is that?????” asked the girl as she tilted her head. “shin taro, Japan!” said kazuma as he looked at the girl realizing she had no clothes on. “Japan??????” she said confused. Kazumas face turned a deep red as he put his kimono on the girl and said “ here wear this so you don’t catch a cold.” “ thank you!!!!!!” replayed the girl as she tied the kimono.
“hey can I ask you something?” asked kazuma. “yes ask away!!!!” she said smiling. “what is your name?” kazuma asked the girl. “I don’t know I don’t think I have one.” she said becoming sad. “Please don’t be sad if you want I will give you a name!” said kazuma joking around. She replied “ really I would love that!!!”. “ummm.. I was just..” before kazuma could finish what he was saying the girl stated to hug him. “so what is my name???” asked the girl as she hugged kazuma with joy.”umm Nina.” said kazuma blushing as he looked at her.”ni..nina!!!!” she said smiling. “that’s my name!!!!!” she continued. ”yep it is!” said kazuma laughing. Nina started to yawn and rubbed her eyes. “are you tired?” asked kazuma as he looked into her eyes that were as red as the moon that night. Nina put her head on kazuma’s lap “yes!!!” she said as she started to fall asleep. Slowly after Nina fell asleep kazuma stayed awake to make sure nothing would happen.
kazuma after a long time felt at peace in his soul around nina. As the night came to an end the sun started to rise.
“hey nina wake up!” kazuma said as he nudged her. Nina opened her eyes and hugged kazuma. “yay good morning kazuma-kun!!!!!!!” she said as happy as before. “good morning nina well if your ready we so be on are way.” he said standing up.
“why??????” asked Nina as she started to get up. “because we need to get some food!” kazuma replied. “oh!!!”said Nina as her stomach started to growl. “hey Nina before we leave I have something for you!” said kazuma as he pulled something out of his bag. “really what is it!?!?!?!?” Nina replied with joy as she started to jump up and down. Kazuma handed Nina a kimono that was made of fine cloth. It was blue will flowers that covered it and a yellow gold that was around the bottom of the kimono. “is this for me kazuma-kun???” Nina asked as she was amazed at how pretty the kimono was. “yes it is Nina all for you!” kazuma said as he gave the kimono to Nina. As Nina touched it she was so speechless. “go try it on Nina.” said kazuma wanting to see what it looked like on Nina. “ok I will.” said Nina as she went behind a wooded area.
Kazuma waited there for Nina to return. As Nina returned from the wooded area kazuma was speechless. “hehe what do you think?” asked Nina with joy as she turned around. “your beautiful!” kazuma relied as he looked into her eyes which were silver with a touch of blue. But as kazuma kept looking into Nina’s eyes he remembered that Nina’s eyes were red before. But he didn’t say anything because he was so amazed on how beautiful Nina was.
“kazuma-kun I’m hungry!!!” Nina said as her stomach growled in pain. “oh ok lets go before you starve” kazuma said as he grabbed his bag and was ready to get going. *ok lets go kazuma-kun!!!!!!” Nina said as she was waiting for kazuma to grab his bag. Kazuma started walking on the path that was in the forest. “hey Nina about last night..!” kazuma said to Nina. “last night????” Nina said as she tilted her head. “you don’t remember Nina?” kazuma asked Nina and she looked confused.
“no what happened last night?????* asked Nina as he looked at kazuma puzzled. “oh nothing!” kazuma said in a puzzled voice as he kept walking.
Nina was following kazuma when she saw a meadow full of flowers. “kazuma-kun look look its so pretty” Nina said as she ran up the flowers. “maybe we should rest here what do you think Nina?” kazuma asked as he was walking tortes Nina. “but I’m hungry!!!!!” Nina said as her stomach was growling in pain. Kazuma went looking in his bag for something. “were is it?” kazuma asked himself. As kazuma was looking for something Nina picked some of the flowers and started to braid them together. “fly to moon looking for love. Touch the ocean to feel her soul. The light the light in the jewel calls her to you la la la. fly her to the jewel she is looking for you!” sang Nina as she kept braiding the flowers together. “that’s a weird song Nina it sounds like one of the old legends but different!” kazuma said as he pulled out a rice ball for Nina.
“I don’t remember were I heard it I just know it! But it sounds like a legend you know?” Nina said puzzled with so many questions to ask. “yes I do if you want I could tell it to you ni..” before kazuma could finish what he heard voices yelling. “HEY GET BACK HERE YOU!!!” yelled a group of men following a girl. The girl ran over to kazuma looking for help “please help me!!” said the girl. Kazuma pulled out a sword he had. “what is your business with this girl?” kazuma asked the group of men. “ so your with her. Then you must die!” said one of the men ready to fight.
“damn it!” said the girl as she looked at the group of men. “you will not be killing anyone today!” kazuma said as he charged at one of the men. The girl pulled out a dagger hidden in her kimono. “stay back!” said the girl to Nina. The girl mumbled a few words then a blue light came out of the girls arm. “SHE IS A DEMON RUN!!!” yelled some of the men as a flash of light all the men were dead. “ what the!?!?!” kazuma was confused and thought he was dreaming. The girl fell to her knees. “why did you use your soul???” Nina asked the girl walking to her. Shocked the girl replied “how did you know I have to use my soul as power?!?!?!”. after the girl said that she passed out, “Nina!! How did you know that?” kazuma asked in amazement. Nina put her hand on the girls forehead and her hand started to glow. “ummmm tenshi!!” mumbled the girl as she started to wake up. “Nina what is going on?!?!?!?!” kazuma asked Nina trying to find out what’s going on. “ I don’t know kazuma-kun!!!!” Nina replied. The girl got up and started to say “ I’m sorry I got you involved I should just leave!”.
“oh no you cant your still hurt!!!!” nina said as she grabbed the girl by the arm. “ok fine ill stay with you till I get better ok!!” the girl said. “my name is nina what’s your name????” nina asked the girl. “nice to meet you nina, I’m hiko!!!!!” hiko replied to nina. Nina pointed to kazuma “that’s kazuma-kun!!!!!!!!”. hiko bowed to kazuma as she said “nice to meet you kazuma-sama!!!!!!”.
a story
As long as I can remember I was a out cast. I knew I was not normal but to find this out I was shocked out of my mind.
How could someone like me hold the truth to save the world. My hands are covered with blood. I’m not fit to have this...
“ Hiko wake up!!!”. the covers were ripped off my bed. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Its so cold” I yelled. “get up your lover boy is here!” said riku who was 1 of my good friends. “who??????” I asked I was brain dead sometimes….I mean all the time. “just get up and get ready for school!” riku said yelling at me. I forgot it was the first day of school for the new year. How will I live through the year. “ hiko get down here right now!!!!!” riku yelled from down stairs. I got dressed in the school uniform we had to wear this year. I opened my door and ran down stairs to see riku talking to itsuki. Itsuki was another one of my friends but he was a pervert.
“wow don’t you look hot hiko!” itsuki said as he kept staring at me. “shut up puppy!!!!” I yelled at him as I went into the kitchen. “ha ha ha ha the perv got told!!!” riku giggled as she pointed at itsuki. I walked out of the kitchen with some toast in my mouth as I mumbled “don’t be mean riku!!!”. “ ok come on lets get going before we are late for school!!!” riku said as she opened the door. I ran out the door trying to get as far from itsuki as I could but it didn’t work. “where do you think your going?” itsuki said as he grabbed my arm pulling me to him. “why me??” I whispered to myself as itsuki put his arm around me. “itsuki I would let go of hiko if I were you!!!!” riku told him.
“she is my woman why should I!” in a proud I’m you lord voice itsuki uses sometimes. He is so full of himself that I don’t know why he is still breathing!
“oh my god its Jon!!!!!!” riku yelled as she saw Jon walking some ways behind us. I hit itsuki in the face and kicked him in the side. “hi chain-sama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I ran to jon and hugged him. Riku kneeled down and patted itsuki on the head. “its ok itsuki !!! Maybe next time you will learn better!!!!!”. “blah blah blah!” itsuki mumbled to riku. Riku got up and stepped on itsukis head “what did you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. I jumped on riku and said “ come on be nice and kill him at practice!!!!!!!” riku and I fell over “ow hiko what are you doing why cant I kill him now??”. “ouchy!!!!” I got up and dusted my self off. Itsuki got up and looked at Jon “you don’t even say hi to hiko what a shame you are!”. me and riku laughed “he has his headphones on silly!!!!!!!! He cant hear you!!!”.
Jon removed one of his headphones “we are going to be late for school and hi hiko!”. I grabbed jons ipod and ran off “hehe come on everyone!!!!!!”. Jon ran after me “hiko come back here!”. riku and itsuki started to run to. “nooooo!!!!!!!!!” I kept running it was like an escape from the truth. I didn’t have to face the false truth when I was with the people I care about.
“let your true self come forth young one show me your true power!” said some old lady as she gabbed my arm. “ummm what do you mean???” I said shocked out of my mind. She replied “give me your soul so I can show you young one!”. Jon pulled me away from the old lady “what the hell!!”. the old lady grabbed jons chin and said “young man I would keep her safe or you may lose her forever and it will be your fault and you will pay for it with your soul!”.
“Hiko, Jon where are you????” riku and itsuki yelled for us. Riku ran up to me and Jon “what are you two doing here??” riku asked as itsuki replied. “Jon was most likely trying to do something to hiko!”. “ no I wasn’t!” Jon yelled. “I was gabbed by the old lady and she said some weird stuff!!!!!!!” I said to riku and itsuki. They both replied “what old lady???”. I turned around to where the old lady was. “she is gone!!!!!!!!”. “where did that old hag go!!” Jon yelled. “there was no old lady when we got here!!” riku replied. “but she was right here!!!!!!!!!” I said pointing to where the old lady was standing.

“oh come on we are going to be late” riku said as she started to walk away. I looked down and started to think. That old lady was there right, was I just seeing things??????? “hey hiko come on we are going to be late” Jon gabbed my hand and started to walk. I pulled out his ipod “here chain-sama I’m sorry I stole your ipod…. And ran off with it!!!” Jon gabbed his ipod and put it in his pocket. “hiko don’t worry its ok I don’t mind!” we kept walking to school. “yay!!!!!!!!!!” I said skipping. “here is the happy hiko I know!” jon said with a smile.
Itsuki picked me up and started to run off. “EEK!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled shocked. “come on itsuki you should know better” said some one. I couldn’t see them so I didn’t know who it was. “damn it sensei why do you all ways come when I don’t want you to?!” itsuki yelled. “hiko why don’t you help yourself and not let this stuff happen, defend yourself?” asked sensei kun. I stood on itsuki’s shoulder “ I will never! I must put all I have worked for to help the ones that are dear to me, I will never throw a punch for myself but for the ones I love I will defend them with my life!!!!!” I said all serious.
“oh come on we don’t need a serious hiko!!!” sensei said with a smile. “ sensei look it’s a pretty school girl with beer!!!!!!” riku yelled as she pointed behind sensei kun.
Sensei looked behind him for the school girl. “gotcha!!!!!!!” I kicked sensei in the side knocking him down to the ground. “I think I heard a rib break”. jon said with a smirk on his face. “owwwww come on its not nice to kick a man when he is looking for something and you should know better not to kick your sensei!!”.
Riku stepped on sensei’s head “ you should know better you old pervert!!! God your just like itsuki!!!!”. “please be nice to me im your sensei after all”. sensei got up and looked around. “ ahhhh s**t hiko is gone!” jon yelled looking around for me.
“WHAT JON WHY DIDN’T YOU KEEP A EYE ON HIKO SHE COULD BE ANY WHERE!!!!!!! AHHHHHH SHE COULD BE HURT!!!!!!!!!!!” riku was yelling at the top of her lungs.
“whats wrong??????” I said already inside the school gate. “HIKO!!!!!!” riku yelled running after me. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I ran off inside the school. “we better go find her before she gets hurt.” jon said as he walked off. “oops I think im lost!!!!!!!!” I said as I kept walking around. “where do you think your going?” said some one behind me as they grabbed me. I poked them “paralyze!!!!!!!!”. he fell to the floor paralyzed. I poked him again and said “shock!!!!!!!!”. he started to shake on the floor.
“hiko what are you doing?” itsuki asked as he grabbed me turning me around to face him. I poked itsuki not knowing it was him and yelled “SHOCK!!!!!” itsuki fell to the floor shaking. I looked at itsuki shocked. “oops!!!!!!! Itsuki its you!!!”. riku, Jon and sensei kun came running. Riku started to yell “ what the hell hiko what did you do??” I looked down “im sorry I didn’t know it was itsuki!!”. sensei kun picked me up “ then release them hiko its ok they will understand.”. I poked the guy and itsuki “release!!!!”. itsuki grabbed me “WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT HIKO??”. I started to cry “im sorry I didn’t mean to!!!”. jon punched itsuki “ why the hell did you have to make hiko cry!”.
“im so sorry please forgive me!!!” I ran off crying. Riku glared at itsuki “why the hell did you do that???”. sensei kun helped itsuki up “ you know you didn’t have to yell at her like that.”
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”. every one looked surprised, sensei kun ran off . Jon started running to “that sounded like hiko! I think she is on the roof!”. riku and itsuki looked confused as they followed jon.
“what do you want with me??”. “why do you still not show your true self?”. I backed away a little “I don’t understand, what do you mean????”. the old lady hit me knocking me to the ground. Sensei came running “get away from her!”. “you will not stop me!” the old lady put up a barrier around us so sensei kun couldn’t help. Jon, riku and itsuki came running out of the door. “what the hell is going on?!” jon yelled as he saw the barrier. The barrier was a light purple haze.
Riku looked at sensei kun “why aren’t you helping her?!?”. sensei put his hand on the barrier “I cant this is a strong barrier that not even I can break….”. the old lady looked at me “I will kill them if you don’t give me your soul.” I got up and stared at the old lady “……if you ever hurt them……..I will……KILL YOU!!….”. the old lady started to laugh “ you think you could kill me your just a kid you cant protect anything!!”. “don’t test me I will kill you…….”. my eyes started to glow a endless blue.
“awaken me” said a voice. “awaken who???” I asked. “you must awaken me” said the voice again. The old lady had a look fear on her face. “I don’t want to fight!!” I touched the barrier and it shattered like glass. I looked at sensei “are you ok sensei kun you look like you seen a ghost????”. riku tugged on sensei kun “how did she break it and you couldn’t????”. “I have seen enough!!” said the old lady as some thing came off her back and flew away.
“what’s that sensei????????” I said pointing at what flew out of the old ladies body. “it’s a spirit I think!” sensei said as he tried to look at it better. “im glad I got to meet you!” said the old lady. “why do you seen different???” I asked. The old lady gave me a hug. “please always do your best!”. “I will I promise!!!!” I hugged the old lady back. Every one looked confused. “I must go now.” the old lady said as she step back. “where are you going???” riku asked. The old lady stepped to the railing around the roof. “I must go!” the old lady stepped off the roof. “nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!” I ran to the rail. Jon covered my eyes pulling me back and turned me around against his chest.
Every 1 looked over the railing to see the old lady lifeless and dead. “chain-sama I want to see!!!!! Let me see!!!!!” I tried to get free and look but Jon wouldn’t let go. “no I cant let you!” jon said hugging me. I got free from jon. looking over the railing and I paused. I had a horrified look on my face tears started to pour down my face. I couldn’t stop them. Jon grabbed me and put my face on his chest hugging me again. “but why did she…. Why did she have to die???” I asked crying.
Jon rubbed my head “I don’t know”. my eyes turned a endless blue again I pushed jon away and ran inside the school. “what the hell is going on?” jon asked. Sensei kun looked down “I wished that this day would never come…”. sensei disappeared out of nowhere. “we better go after hiko!” said itsuki as he started to run. Jon and riku followed itsuki.
“where am I” I was in a cloudy darkness. “your trapped now inside me” said a voice come closer. “who are you?” I asked as I tried to find who was talking to me. “im you!” said the voice as it felt like someone was gabbing me. ”but im me!” I yelled. “who are you?” said the voice. ”im me hiko!.” “no your not your just a lie to cover me up!” I felt like I was being choked. “but why would I do that?”. “why are you just standing there!!” I was pushed to the side. “who was that ?? What’s going on???” I was still in the cloudy darkness. “hiko are you there?” someone grabbed me and started to shake me.
My eyes went back to normal. “where am I???” I said looking around. Itsuki jon and riku were all around me. “what’s going on here??” I got up from the ground. “hiko you don’t remember?” jon asked as he looked at me confused. “no I don’t what happened??” I asked at I kept looking around. Five demons appeared out of nowhere. “ah not again!” jon yelled.
“you must fight them.” a barrier just like what the old lady had appeared. A man with hair as purple as poison and eyes the color of a endless darkness looked at me. “your going to fight hiko!” the man said as the demons all started to attack. “no I cant!!” I yelled. Itsuki, jon and riku were on the ground hurt. “nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!” I started to cry.
“you’re a cruel man you know that?” sensei said as he appeared. “hehe very funny.” the man said with a chuckle. “does she know she is alone with the demons?” asked sensei. “nope right now she is seeing her friends on the ground bleeding.” the man said as he watched to see what I was doing. “your doing all that just to see her fight?” sensei kun yelled. The man looked at sensei kun and replied “yes, you and I both know she has awakened but I want to see if she will use her full power.”.
“no no no!!! I don’t want to fight!!!!!” I yelled crying. Jon reached out to me “hiko….”. one of the demons stepped on him making him cough up blood. “how dare you…..DIE!!!!!!!!!”. I ran up to on of the demons and hit him. “DEATH!!!!!!!!” the demons body blew up and blood went everywhere. “I never see that done… what do you think kun even you could never do that.” the man said interested in what happened. Sensei watched “ I could never do something like that even if I used all my power.”. I ran and hit all four demons that were still alive. “DEATH!!!” again just like the first demon all their bodies blew up and I was covered in blood.
“wow to do that to all of them and not to even be out of breath she is really strong!” the man said. Itsuki, jon and riku came running after looking threw the whole school. The barrier shattered and I fell to my knees looking at my hands. Riku ran and grabbed me. “the blood the blood!!” I was in shock. “hiko is ok I promise its ok!!!” riku says as she hugged me. Every thing went black as I fell asleep.
“aww dam it she passed out!” said jon as he picked me up. The nurse and doctor came. “what happened to hiko this time?” said the doctor. “oh my kai sensei hiko is not well we must take her to the doctors office!” mimi the nurse said to Dr.kai. “so jon hand me hiko please.” Dr.kai said to jon. “no” jon replied. Riku grabbed jon and yelled “what is wrong with you give hiko to Dr.kai now!!!!!!”. I opened my eyes and looked around and asked “ where is he??”. riku grabbed me from jon “where is who hiko????” she asked me. I looked over to sensei kun to see the guy I was looking for. I Pointed at him and yelled “ HIM!!!!”. I ran at him getting ready to hit him.
He dodge every punch I threw at him. “come on your not going to hit me and I didn’t do any thing wrong…” the guy said as he kept dodging every punch. “don’t you dare say you did nothing wrong… you made me think they were dead!!” I said as I kept trying to hit him. He stopped as I went to throw another punch but then I turned around and kicked him. He flew back hitting the ground. Sensei kun grabbed me “hiko stop it!” he yelled. the guy got up “you want to know why I did that ill tell you I wanted to see your power…” he said as he looked down. “DON’T YOU DARE TELL HER THE TRUTH!!” sensei kun yelled. I looked around confused. “oh don’t you trust me, I would never do that I need her so I wont tell her just yet kun!” the guy said as he disappeared into a cloud of darkness.
“hiko I need to talk to you after school..” sensei kun said. “no after practice today!!” I replied. I ran and tackled jon “chain-sama your comeing to right???” I asked jon. “ok hiko Ill come this time” jon replied. “yay you will be the new member!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled. Riku patted jons shoulder and said “ I feel sorry you jon just be ready to be in pain!!!”. I pulled rikus cheecks and yelled “ what do you mean by that?!?!”.
hahahahaha i dont think you can read all that or can you???????????

makenshi baby
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    Wed Aug 01, 2007 @ 04:47pm

    to much wordes omg so much wordes

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