Well, heres today.... in a sense i cant believe my freshman year of high school is over almost...*sigh* I've made many new friends this year. The experience in the high school marching band over the summer, fall and spring when the band went to Florida was incredible. But, yet i dont know if i will be rejoinming this year or not...this is due to the fact of the Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orcestra. Sunday i saw their concert and they were awesome (it was at the schuster center too which was equally awesome!!!!)! Now, they are in a sense trying to recruit me. Im stuck and dont know which way to go...Orchestra that i long to play with or marching band and our cool music, sense of disciplne, pride and family....See, the marching band here im in is extremely different than typical ones. We carry a deep sense of pride in the band and heck, its almost like the army (tho that seems hard to believe i kno but it is true). there was 200 peoplein it this year and i knew each one of them. if i leave, it will be like leaving a big family of closse friends. Yet, i have friends in the orchestra too.....*sigh* another conplication in life they say...
ANTI - SHOE · Tue May 10, 2005 @ 12:08am · 0 Comments |