Oh, wow, isn't my dad just a saint?? He thinks that since he woke me up half an hour later, he's the most wonderful guy in the world. If he hasn't noticed, I'm not a morning person.
 Yep, that's how I felt this morning, but instead he woke me up at 6.30 oh happy day.

And he wakes me up so early I can barely hear the birds, and starts asking me life-changing questions, like, "Should we redecorate your room? How about sky blue? What about your Beckham posters?" and "We're going to Paris this weekend, do you want to go to the city or to Calais?" and "Do you want some breakfast?" All of which I ignore until he goes and eats his own head. I mean, SERIOUSLY!!! WHAT PERSON AT SIX O' CLOCK IN THE MORNING EATS EGGS??
I'm just NOT a morning person. I fell asleep at the computer desk when he was droning on about France and the castles.
I don't give a damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
 That's how I felt.
And then, the best part is, that it turns out he's going to work at 9.30, not 7.00. He forgot to mention this when he woke me up at the crack of dawn. Be right back I'm gonna go confront him about it.
Confrontation didn't go by so well...
He attacked me with his spoon. Wtf is with him and spoons??

I once sliced my finger open with a butter knife.

All in all, my lesson of today is: Cutlery and eating utensils are dangerous when handled by an overtired and cranky and moody teenager.
I'm now going to mope around the house for three hours skulking in the corners and being annoying to my dad. I still can't get over the fact that he woke me up so EARLY!! SO DAMN EARLY!!
Tilly_Witch · Wed Aug 15, 2007 @ 09:25am · 0 Comments |