yeah i changed my avvi name once again
i was going to change it to Inu Tenshi which is also my nickname that i have had since i was 14. then i tired tenshi and that didn't work, and it wouldn't let me put Tenshi no Yami which was a nickname i got when i was 15. for those of you who dont know what it means it means "Angel of Darkness" i was alittle twisted for awhile, and only a 3 people saw what i was like when i was in that state of mind.
well then i tried Kitsune Tenshi which is Fox Angel and thought it would be awesome since i have fox ears and one of my main characters in my story is half Fox Angel. but that didn't work either gonk
so i desided Kistu Tenshi..the only thing i know is that Kitsu is a shorter virson of Kitsune... eek
well what do you guys think about my new avvie name???
Samoccy · Mon Aug 27, 2007 @ 04:15am · 0 Comments |