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Hell Yay!
Projekt Revolution!!!
Yeah so on the day of 9/1/07 me and my sis went to go see alot of bands starting at 12:45.

We made it three bands late so we started off with Saosen and afterwards MSI played. But there terrible thing about MSI was, that a whole bunch of 12 and 13 years olds got in the way so they had to stop playing after their third song.

But everything else was great we waited for 4o' clock to come because then we got to go to the main theater where Plasebo started off. Afterwards, HIM, MCR, and some other bands played. It was such a great show I enjoyed myself.

But at the end Linkin Park came on and I sung my heart out. My thraot hurt so bad after that, but it was worth it. I had so much fun yesterday and even though this journal entry doesnt sound like much, it was awesome!

Go bands!!!

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Fayt Leingod Sama
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 03:00am
EWW MCR! I thought Val said Mark and Stephanie went?

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