So last night apparently my phone fell out of my pocket and into/onto the couch and I forgot it there. So my mother has to open it to check the time and then she thinks she should go look at my pictures in my phone instead of give it back to me and or ask.
Okay, so then she looks at MY PICTURES in MY PHONE and then she thinks she should go and read my text messages, and no, I did not tell anyone in them that i hated her. But there were some things from my sister's ex and flirting texts like 'I wish you were here' and 'I miss you lots, can't wait to see you <3" andshe read those. And there were some from the first time I saw her hair, so of course I like freakedout, and in a ******** bad mood that day already, I sent texts to like three people going OMG. SHE DYED HER HAIR PURPLE LIKE WHAT THE HELL??? and ********, she's my mother, she should not be dying her hair purple, and of course I'm going to say things like that when she has ignored me for the whole freaking six hour drive and when she did acknowledge me, it was to tell me to shut up about my dad's house.
OKAY I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE PERSONAL SPACE ISSUES. here's to my mother, I am a teenager, my outlite for all of my anger and annoyance is my friends so i don;t say anything to her to completely ******** our relationship for life. JUST BECAUSE YOUR OTHER DAUGHTER IS A FREAK WHO IS EXACTLY LIKE YOU, HAS NEVER BEEN MAD AT YOU, AND CLEANS HER ROOM EVERY DAY DOES NOT MEAN I AM THE SAME.
I am a classic teenage girl with a bad relationship with my mother. It does not help when she crys all the time, and can't respect my space. it probably doesn't help that i am exactly like my father and that's the man she devoiced, it also doesn't help when she keeps my phone for over 12 hours, and I asked her if she had seen it and she lied to me and said no.
Bloody hell. There was probably some thhings in there that i shouldn't hasve said, but seriously, MY PHONE? You don't have to open it to check the time, it's the same type of phone she has had for over a year, she should know you can hit any button on the outside and the display thing will start and show you time or whatever. But MY TEXTS? Like seriously, she knows I have personal space issues, and kay, just be even more classic teenage girlish, My friends keep me alive(like seriously they have) and my phone is like mass part of my life, and I text like A LOT. and omg. Even more so then the whole hair dye thing that i'm freaking out about if my sister's ex. Like I haven't talked to him that much since that day, and if she tells my sister, even though she's completely over him, I would just die.
But yeah... I'm like... stab mode right now. I need them both to get out of this house so I can do SOMETHING.
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